For a Canyonlands Needles District overnight backpack, I am considering the Elephant Canyon - Big Spring Canyon Loop hike. It has some fun scrambling, and is relatively easy 11 miles. It can be done as a day hike, too. out the photos at the link above for a sense of the terrain. In the late 90s, this was the default Thanksgiving backpack with a crew of friends for 4 years.
I can easily be convinced to try something more ambitious, but a fun, chill overnight is plenty of adventure. I can still do big miles, but I hate, loathe, and distain carrying significant amounts of water, which is likely a requirement in October.
On Oct 19, 2018, sunrise will be approximately 7:30am, sunset at 6:34pm, with about 12 hours of usable outdoor light.
On Oct 19, 2018, the moon will be waxing, rising around 4:24pm, and setting around 3:20am. It will be ~80% illuminated.
- Surf On...