BLM land may be unpredictably available and/or difficult to locate vs. a reserved private site.
I don't think camping at a primitive dispersed BLM location with no services is a realistic option for a diverse group that doesn't know each other. Not everyone has the equipment, skills and ability to make that work and even if they do flying with it would be challenging for a number of reasons. Even for people I know I would be cautious about planning a trip around that type of camping option for most people. And as you note even finding such a location can be a challenge to meet up with the group.
Agreed, I've done primitive camping via car and backpacking but flying/renting car adds another element. Plus tougher with a group as you say and people arriving/departing via different schedules and stuff.
I think having a spot nailed down and reserved well in advance will be best.
Is there anything particular you like better about the highwaywest canyonlands resort more then the other in town options like the KOA, slickrock, etc?
I've never been so no preference, just curious.
After playing phone tag for a few days, I finally talked to a human at the Canyonlands campground in Moab (
I also looked at Moab's calendar of events and noticed that the Jeep Jamboree will occur on October 25 - 27. We want to be sure to MISS that madness!!
I got some price estimates. A tent site, which can accommodate 2 4-person tents (and up to 6 people total) runs $70 per night. Tent sites are only for tents. Sites for campers and RVs are in a separate area--about 50 yards away (minimum).
I was told that prices will increase as our date nears, so it would behoove us to start really trying to figure out what we want to do. I think at this point, if we like the looks of this place, I should go ahead and reserve several sites that are next to each other. Maybe 4 - 6 tent sites plus 3 - 4 RV sites. Looks like they have a pretty reasonable cancellation policy.
Are we set on the weekend of October 20th? Should I assume that most people will arrive Thursday evening and leave Monday? Ish? And that others might be able to hang around later--maybe on BLM land or at other campsites outside of Moab?
At some point soon, I'll just need to go for it and make some reservations, but the more input, the better...I think. :)
Woo hoo--getting excited about this!! :)
You could book a few sites, I don't know that you need to book all of them? Inevitably you'll get people coming early, staying late, staying a whole week, some tent, some RV, etc. so getting 8-10 sites of various lengths with some people sharing a site and everything could get convoluted quickly.
What we have done in the past for group camping trips is email out dates, book sites and just announce "hey I'm site 84" and next guy I got 85, and so on. Then we try and get our group close by even if not directly adjoining. That may be a little less work for you Ninetyfour; or like I said a combination where you book some and some folks book their own nearby
If you go with Canyon lands it looks like it's not very big so it would be easy enough to walk over to others sites. It would be cool to get a few together in a somewhat secluded spot though for late night campfires chats without disturbing non meetup campers.
As for date I don't know that we are set on the 20th but that weekend works for me. I'm getting excited as well!!
Oh and-
The following folks are attending the "Oct 19-22, 2018 - Moab, Utah" MMM Meet Up.
- NinetyFour
- Retire Canada - truck with backpacking tent - primitive camping okay - 1 person
- Caoineag - Van footprint - no services needed - 2 people (potentially 2 dogs)
- Financial Ascensionist
- Aperture
- Found A Penny
- Canuck Expat
- MsSindy
- Stasher
- Earthsurfer
- Meadow Lark!
- Plugging Away - car with tent or RV - no services needed - 1 adult + 1 teen
- Arebelspy - truck/RV - no services needed - 2 adults - 2 kids
- ToTheMoon - Jeep/Tent - no services needed - 2 adults, 2 kids (6 & 8)
-LWTG - 1 person, rental car and small tent, will stay wherever the group decides