If you are a couple years out, get some books on houses, make your own sketches and lists of wants, needs, deal breakers, must haves ect.
The first thing a good architect will do is ask you about your wants and needs. So the more you have through about that, the better prepared you are to interact with this expensive, but possibly worth it, professional. (3 bedroom? more less, other things onsite like a pool, shop/garage building?)
Note, the architect can't really tell you costs. The Contractor does that. Sure they know that a 2000 sq ft house costs more than a 1500 sq ft one, but don't expect a lot of detailed cost info that you can use to spreadsheet/model cost options.
Finally, if you are happy with a simple box, don't overlook House Planners. There are CAD monkeys out there who can knock out layouts sufficient for the contractor to build your house. As long as you are stick building 2 stories or less, the General Contractor typically doesn't need Arch/Eng drawings.