Hi Friends!
I've scoured the internet and the search feature and taken into account all that I have found, but would still like to propose my situation here in case anyone has any insight/ideas.
Credit Score for future Mortgage.
Some jumbled facts:
I've been very actively working on my credit score for about three or four years, prior to that I lived very frugally by necessity, but never really deeply considered personal finance, my credit score, etc.
I was divorced in 2009 and also had medical debt and student loan debts. Any negative items on my credit report (a joint CC that prior spouse went on a spending spree on before I had a chance to cancel it upon seperation and a visit to urgent care) have been paid, but still show up as "negative charge-offs".
I have three credit cards, two of which I just got extended credit lines for (the other request was declined for reason of "lack of use of current credit"), I am an AU on my mothers 20+ year credit line, paid my student loans down from 30k+ to 5k, my available credit is 53k, 1% of credit used, oldest credit line 16 years ... I've done a bunch of things.... I have had a hard focus on my credit score for a few years and I've brought my credit from the high 500's post divorce & medical bills (YIKES) to 750 (as of today) and climbing (YAY).
I plan to purchase a home in the 50-70k range in 2019 or 2020 and would like, of course, to have the best credit score (and therefor the best interest rate) possible on the mortgage.
I will have 20% to put down and I will also be Air BnB'ing the additional bedroom (the area I am looking in has very favorable AirBnB regulations and regular enough tourism), if that matters in this consideration.
I can't spend more on my cards to utilize the credit lines they've given me, as I put nearly everything on them and then immediately pay them off... My total spending is between $1100-$1250/month. My income is variable, but is projecting around 35k this year.
Some slightly more organized quick-read facts:
-Brought score from high 500's to current 750.
-AU on mothers 20+ year old credit line.
-Have three credit cards, can't increase credit lines more due to somewhat low-ish spending (13-15k/year).
>about 22k in credit lines, about 5k left on student loans, no other debts.
-Two negative Charge Offs on report, both paid more than 7 years ago- not sure why they're still on there.
-Plan to purchase home in 2019/early 2020 in 50-70k range, do some house hacking, and pay off ASAP.
My plan is to write a Goodwill Request Letter (or whatever the internet calls it) to have the negative charge offs removed from my credit report (not sure why they are still on there, as they have been paid for more than 7 years)...
This seemed to be the suggestions I found via google and forum searches....
Aside from that, is there really anything I can do to improve my score more or should I just accept my 750 (likely to go up a few points by the time I'm ready to purchase) and shut up?
Thanks in advance for any ideas and for your kindness!