I've never really experienced this, but maybe that's because I don't consider myself especially frugal.
First, my household spend more than MMM's. By a great deal. By his own standards, he spends extravagantly. So by his standards, I'm surely a wasteful, gluttonous clown.
But beyond that, I really don't have a sense of whether I'm actually frugal or not. That may be a strange thing to say, but it's my reality. I don't have a budget. I evaluate each purchase individually and decide if it's worth it. And like MMM, I am in a position to afford just about anything I deem worthwhile. When my Kindle broke, I ordered another one. Without pause or thought. If I want to travel to Prague, I do some research and book it.
But when I was recently tasked with planning a vacation for my mom, sister and me, on my mom's dollar (and my parents can easily, easily afford whatever the hell they want), I found that I was constantly looking at ways to save a buck, and my mom had to continually remind me that for her, this is a once in a lifetime thing that she's always dreamed of, and that I didn't need to be so cheap with her money.
Because that trip to Prague I mention was picked because we could drive and save some money. And I found a list of cheap or free things to do there (and some extravagances as well. See the Kindle philosophy.) So I didn't limit myself, but once the choice was made, I found ways to maximize every dollar (or Krona) we'd be spending.
So maybe I spend "too much". (By whose definitions, I'm not sure.) Or even "a lot", but by the standards of the average American, I'm not just frugal, I'm super frugal. But I'm comfortable with what my FIRE timeline looks like, as is my husband. So I think we are good. And while occasionally I dream of being able to fly my best friends and their kids out for an amazing vacation for all of us, in general, I don't ever really feel Want.