Could write a novel, but so as to not bore you I'll keep it short.
Picked mid-year 2027. We'll both be in our (very) late 40s. Have three kids, the middle child will graduate high school in 2027. We moved here to be near family and planned on staying until the oldest two finished high school. Figure that'll be a perfect time to pick up and start the next adventure, whatever it may be.
House worth around $200k, no mortgage. Have two newish vehicles in good shape, both paid for. Over $100k in investments (most in IRAs and 403b, but have did open a taxable brokerage account because we needed somewhere else to put investments). As for income, wife makes a bit over $80k/yr now and we're on track to save about $50k. Last few years have been hard to really pin down spending (bought a house, had extra expenses for that, bought a second vehicle, etc.), but $50k feels like it's a bit of a stretch. $40k is completely doable, but if we push for $50k and miss by $2k that's better than aiming for $40k and surpassing it by $2k.
I've crunched numbers and we could retire today in Mexico with the whole family. It wouldn't be very exciting, just normal boring stuff (wouldn't have lots of vacations, going out for various activities, etc.). That could slowly change as kids left the nest. Not something I'm planning on doing, but it's a form of lean FIRE I suppose. In six years the three of us (wife, myself, and youngest kid) can easily live on what I project to be a 2% withdrawal rate if we moved somewhere like Mexico (doesn't have to be there specifically). The semi-optimistic projections show that's possible without selling the house, so any "but we have to throw lots of money at the kids because reasons" can be countered with "sell the house and slowly dole out the money from that."
Wife hasn't fully bought into the idea of fully retiring, but she has expressed interest when it's framed as something that doesn't HAVE to be permanent. I.e. we can try it out for a year or two since it's the perfect time to (youngest won't be starting high school yet, middle child may want a gap year and travel with us, etc.).