I wonder whether if, in our post-pandemic world, it is now easier to maintain stealth wealth - the fact that somebody doesn't leave the house every day (possibly in a suit, as was requisite for most of my working life) to earn an income doesn't necessarily mean that they don't earn an income any more - they might just WFH.
Still, if you want to be very serious about stealth, I think you need a very 'mustachian' / austere lifestyle that doesn't raise red flags - no fancy cars, don't live in a fancy house or apartment, don't subscribe to any newspapers, magazines, or streaming services that would ID you as someone with above-average finances, don't make large political contributions, don't make charitable contributions where you are flagged as some level of benefactor (e.g. 'Patron', 'Sponsor', 'Host', etc.), and so forth. If you had a particularly nosy and determined neighbor they could probably get that sort of data and get a good handle on your probable wealth level (e.g. do you subscribe to 'Private Island Monthly?')