Author Topic: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?  (Read 133867 times)

Bird In Hand

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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #150 on: February 08, 2019, 01:02:40 PM »
I came across MMM (blog, then eventually the forums) many years after I was on the frugal path to FIRE.  It was more of a reinforcement of my existing approach versus a change in behavior.  So discovering MMM didn't result in any changes to our net worth.

But just for fun, our net worth (not including house appreciation) has gone up $330k in the 21 months since I registered on this forum.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #151 on: February 09, 2019, 11:16:17 AM »
As an update, at this point my net worth has increased by well over $300,000 so far.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #152 on: February 10, 2019, 04:41:57 AM »
Approx. 20k USD. I started my journey of enlightment at thesimpledollar, which is a bit more mainstream I guess but the most important take away was early on: housing and tranportation costs are the big items, cut those down and you will get ahead. MMM is about the next step of optimization towards FIRE. Also I now have almost $1.5k after taxes each month compared to the last 4 years, which will be a big booster.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #153 on: February 10, 2019, 05:50:23 AM »
November 2014: 270k
January 2019: 734k

Mostly investment properties, a little inheritance, and lots of saving. Glad I got on board.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #154 on: February 10, 2019, 09:50:02 AM »
Since last posted an update, my wife left me and took most of the liquid savings with her.  I kept the house.  Believe it or not, that was actually the smart move, here in Denver.  I literally cannot afford to move.  So, I got the house worth $710k (and $340k on the mortgage) and she got the $400k savings/investments. 

I'm still left with about $106k in my 401k, so I'm pretty much back to where I started when I found MMM.  Only this time alimony is gonna severely hamper my ability to save much in the foreseeable future. 


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #155 on: February 10, 2019, 10:14:36 AM »
I'm trying now to influence my daughters to figure this out way earlier than I did and become FI while they're young.

Influence as much as possible but make sure you are taking care of your own house too (which it looks like you are).

My dad did not finish school until I was a pre-teen and still carries some of the student loans for doing that (I am mid 30s now), but as soon as he did and got a good job he would talk about (not always to me but just in general) contributing to a 401k.   I am the middle child of 3, and apparently I must have just been at the right age to really take all this in.  I am the only one to get a BS from college and the only one to have always contributed to a 401k (although not very much most of the time).  When I was still in school I worked somewhere that allowed part-time people to contribute to a 401k, I only put 1% into it but I got in the habit of contributing.  Since finishing school I have always put at least matching % into my 401k, but rarely more then that.  Well my parents are now 60 and my 401k reached $100k this month (and I plan to have my SL paid off this year) so I excitedly told my dad about it, come to find out he does not have enough in his to retire (only 2-3x what I have), and even though he started putting money into a non-tax advantaged account several years ago, he pulls money out of it all the time when they want to take a trip or need to help one of my siblings.  They also apparently do not contribute the max to the 401k nor have they ever opened an IRA for either him or my mom but they owe taxes every year.  I now feel like I know understand how these things work better than he does and feel a little lost because I don't really want to share anymore exciting milestones with him because I don't want to make him feel worse about his situation although he would also be the only person in real life that would share my excitement. 

So please encourage your kids but make sure that you are taking care of yourself at the same time.
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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #156 on: February 10, 2019, 01:15:57 PM »
Found MMM late 2013, with a NW of ~$200,000

Made a forum account April 2015 with a NW of $288,000

Currently at $457,000

Holy wow.

Fun to see this thread again. I'm now around $580,000. Boy howdy though, ain't there been some up and down wiggle over the last 6 months. I was an adult in 2008, but I had maybe $30,000 in the markets. This is my first real market instability, and it's been nice to see that I can mentally hold the course.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #157 on: February 10, 2019, 04:16:43 PM »
This is my first real market instability, and it's been nice to see that I can mentally hold the course.

I have found myself to be surprisingly more resilient to market swings now than I was when I first started out.

These days, my net worth can swing $100k or more and my response is "meh, I'm still rich" but when I was first starting out in 2008 I was emotionally devastated to invest $3,000 and then watch $1,000 of it disappear.  I worked hard for that money, and then made painful sacrifices in order to invest it, and watching it go up in smoke was hard because I was acutely aware of the real world consequences of that loss. 

The recent market gyrations, by contrast, are a hundred times larger for me in terms of dollar value, but far less significant in terms of representing real deprivation.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #158 on: February 10, 2019, 06:12:44 PM »
I've always been pretty good at not spending more than I must- no matter what I make I live the same way. I've made some odd career decisions though, and made and lost a small fortune or two along the way. I wound up with a slightly negative net-worth in my early forties. That was painful.

My net-worth is now, a few years later, well into the six figures, and increases by about 5k every month, not counting returns on investment. But I have to admit I think that not adequate. In my glory days I was netting that in a week. I'm just accumulating capital now. At some point I'll try to make something of it.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #159 on: February 12, 2019, 08:59:54 AM »
This is a cool thread!

Found MMM: ~Jan 2015
Personal Capital is only showing NW up to 10/1/2015: $51k
NW as of 2/12/2019: $235k

Salary went from $40k to $65k... Come summer time I will change jobs and expect a new salary of $75k-$80k.

Crazy to see an average annual $54.6k increase in NW on a not so sexy income (thanks, stock appreciation!).


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #160 on: February 13, 2019, 05:08:46 AM »
Roughly $24,000 since October after discovering this website. Honestly, I`m enjoying doing this.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #161 on: February 13, 2019, 07:56:39 AM »
Since June 2016, our net worth has climbed from $118K to $300K. So $182K increase in 31 months, or about $5,900 per month to the good.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #162 on: February 13, 2019, 05:10:57 PM »
Since early 2014 and my NW has gone up by almost $2m since then


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #163 on: February 14, 2019, 04:54:07 AM »
Since early 2014 and my NW has gone up by almost $2m since then

INSANE! I mean that in the most positive way possible!


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #164 on: February 14, 2019, 09:39:53 AM »
Since early 2014 and my NW has gone up by almost $2m since then

INSANE! I mean that in the most positive way possible!

londonbanker - are you still working?  Or SWAMI?


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #165 on: February 15, 2019, 09:04:19 PM »
Since early 2014 and my NW has gone up by almost $2m since then

INSANE! I mean that in the most positive way possible!

londonbanker - are you still working?  Or SWAMI?

Yes - both my wife and I are still working. We both enjoy our fairly low stress jobs and are making between $700-750k a year pretax, which is a lot to walk away from! We are giving ourselves another 3-4years before we pull the plug to spend more time w our young children. We might decide to go part time depending whether we still enjoy what we do.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #166 on: February 15, 2019, 11:38:47 PM »
Discovered in 2013, net worth then approx 350K

2019 - Approx 925K

Not bad, but I also feel like not great. 2 kids in the midst of all of that though too!

Alfred J Quack

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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #167 on: February 16, 2019, 12:44:02 PM »
I was around 30k in 2014, we were already paying off the mortgage. This accelerated and I also started investing in an index fund. As of today I am mortgage free and my total NW is around 160k, including investments but excluding pension fund (as this is not tangible and only a.promise of future payments rather than an actual sum of money).

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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #168 on: April 13, 2019, 01:56:00 PM »
Great to see everyone hitting new heights.

~250K when started (October of 2013)
~1M now (April 2019)

Its honestly unbelievable looking back at the starting point. Its like a whole different world, but in actuality it wasn't that long ago. Back then, hitting these numbers seemed like a fairy tale, like "There's no way I could ever get that much in NW."

Now, it just seems like an inevitability, like "Of course we're going to be worth that much, I've been plotting this on a spreadsheet for years. No big."


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #169 on: April 13, 2019, 04:09:19 PM »
Discovered MMM Dec 2011. Had more mortgage debt than savings.
Made a commitment to the way of the moustache Jan 2012
Net worth increased by 100-200k every year
Retired Oct 2018 :) :) :)


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #170 on: April 13, 2019, 05:32:35 PM »
Found MMM in 2015.  Never actually calculated my net worth but would estimate around -$50K (student loans, credit card debt, and upside down on our home).  Now we are up to about +$350K including retirement, taxable accounts, and a bit of home equity. 

Hadn't done this math before - can't imagine where we'd be without learning discovering MMM and learning about FI.  Got a late start so we probably won't get to the RE part but still feels great not to have to worry to about money anymore.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #171 on: April 13, 2019, 07:15:34 PM »
4 years, $90k increase from basically nothing


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #172 on: April 13, 2019, 07:16:18 PM »
43% since joining MMM in December 2015. 


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #173 on: April 14, 2019, 08:30:41 AM »
October 2018 = $54,000
April 13, 2019 = $100,366


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #174 on: April 14, 2019, 05:03:41 PM »
4 years, $90k increase from basically nothing

Nice- the first $100k is by far the hardest.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #175 on: April 14, 2019, 06:26:38 PM »
A lot.

Most of it, in fact.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #176 on: April 15, 2019, 07:39:58 AM »
I started out reading about frugalism in 2010 and discovered MMM at an early stage arounf 2012-2012. By then, I had only a bank account of some 5000 EUR (5650 USD) and a meagre salary.
Fast forward to 2019:

- 2 Rented Apartments of: 150.000 USD
- Apartment Building with three rented medium-sized apartments: 220.000 USD
- Home worth 500.000 USD
- 10 hectares of prime agriculture land: 196.000 USD
- small stock portfolio of 1500 USD

=1.067.000 USD
% Debt

= 632.000 USD

And thats in just over six years. My monthly passive income from these investments has developed from virtually zero to several hundred dollars AFTER debt.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #177 on: April 15, 2019, 08:13:18 AM »
We joined in 2014. 105k
now we have 418k--

100k of it is from now including condo, because we paid it off.
 Pretty great!

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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #178 on: April 15, 2019, 10:23:19 AM »
OCT 2013: $0
APR 2019: $300,000

When I found the blog, we had about $30,000 in retirement savings, but our home was underwater by about the same. So, net worth of zero. Today, we have $230,000 in investments and about $70,000 in home equity, so we're up $300,000 in under six years. Not too shabby, especially considering that we are a single-income family with four kids.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #179 on: April 15, 2019, 11:25:16 PM »
Today marks my 2 years of tracking my total, I had $164,900 in April 2017 and today I have $414,314 for an increase of $249,414!  60k of that was from a condo sale, but that is still an impressive 189k increase not including the appreciation of the condo and the money put into the principle.  Not bad for a single person!


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #180 on: April 16, 2019, 05:12:52 AM »
Jun 29, 2017 (first posted on here) - $482,632
Today - $698,105


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #181 on: April 16, 2019, 05:22:43 AM »
About a half million since 2014, mostly from negative. So almost no investment gains, A LOT of interest paid on top of that, and negligible RE gains in that time.

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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #182 on: April 16, 2019, 07:30:11 AM »
First found the blog in late 2014. At the time I had in debt to the tune of $(50,000). Currently my NW is sitting around $73,000.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #183 on: April 16, 2019, 07:33:05 AM »
We are now up about $600k since finding MMM in late 2015. It’s mostly RE gains and savings from our salaries.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #184 on: April 16, 2019, 09:21:25 AM »
Jan 2019 = -5300
April 2019 = +5300

Never thought I would get out of debt, so I kept spending everything I made, as I love to collect. Art, game-worn hockey jerseys, tattoos, watches etc...

Now, I collect VTI very slowly on my tiny $48k salary (Seattle).

I was motivated as I got lucky and sold about $7k in art to a guy on Craigslist. That's probably only going to happen once! Haven't been able to sell the remaining stuff - not even any interest. I was sick of being in debt and stressed all the damn time. Paid off my paypal credit balance ($6000) and realized I'd paid $1100 in interest over the past year or so (27%+) and opened a Vanguard account.

36yo Canadian. Citizenship interview in May. Got a lot of catching up to do.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #185 on: April 16, 2019, 09:36:51 AM »
Found MMM in March 2017 - Networth has increased by $21K in the 7 months that followed. So glad I found you all :)

Update since it's been a while. NW has increased $74K in the 2 years since finding MMM


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #186 on: April 16, 2019, 09:55:21 AM »
Looked back to my first post, which was March 2014. At that time, our NW was $119k. Today we're at $479k, so increase of $360k or around $6k/mo.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #187 on: April 16, 2019, 11:38:23 AM »
We were somewhere between $0 and $5,000 when we started in August/September 2011, when we were 23 and 24. We're at $290,899 today, about six years later. Our combined income during that time ranged from around 35K to 80K, so it's not like we were rolling in cash.

We didn't really make a lot of changes. It was more making a few tweaks here and there and increasing our income from "shit" to "middle-class".

Update: About a year and a half later and we've just recently crossed tho 400K mark. Still making in the same income range - last year was about 78K. Expenses haven't changed.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #188 on: April 16, 2019, 10:01:43 PM »
Didn't really keep track when I started, in April of 2017. As far as I can track back, from then to now I'm worth 6x more!!


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #189 on: April 17, 2019, 03:34:41 PM »
Mine is both exciting and embarrassing. Exciting because it opened my eyes and now I realize the possibilities, embarrassing when I realize how much money I've been wasting for so long!

Discovered MMM exactly 2.5 months ago (End of January). Since then my net worth has increased about $11,000!


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #190 on: April 23, 2019, 11:07:15 AM »
Jan 2019 = -5300
April 2019 = +5300

Never thought I would get out of debt, so I kept spending everything I made, as I love to collect. Art, game-worn hockey jerseys, tattoos, watches etc...

Now, I collect VTI very slowly on my tiny $48k salary (Seattle).

I was motivated as I got lucky and sold about $7k in art to a guy on Craigslist. That's probably only going to happen once! Haven't been able to sell the remaining stuff - not even any interest. I was sick of being in debt and stressed all the damn time. Paid off my paypal credit balance ($6000) and realized I'd paid $1100 in interest over the past year or so (27%+) and opened a Vanguard account.

36yo Canadian. Citizenship interview in May. Got a lot of catching up to do.

Good for you! 


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #191 on: April 23, 2019, 11:26:48 AM »
~$10-12k Summer 2017, ~$85k now. Like others have expressed, I never would have thought this possible. Turns out you get used to spending less

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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #192 on: April 23, 2019, 11:39:29 AM »
Wow I can't believe I lurked around the forums for so long before creating an account. Happy to see that we have made some great progress.

September 2016- -75k
April 2019- +102k


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #193 on: April 23, 2019, 12:10:22 PM »
May 2014 - $132.7k
Sept 2017 - $417.7k

Feb 2019 - $476.8k

April 2019 - $505.5k

You're fucking killing it nacho.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #194 on: April 23, 2019, 01:38:59 PM »
August 2013: -$2,800
April 2019: $112,500

Found MMM when I was 25. I'd probably have more had I chosen a more lucrative career path.

Couple observations:
I'm noticing that the huge increases (Ex. +$200k in only a couple years) are from folks who are a bit older and had high incomes to begin with. Was it just a matter of spending less of your already huge paychecks?

I'm also wondering how much of these dramatic increases are due to less spending vs. the economic recovery (and huge financial market gains) in the past five years.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #195 on: April 23, 2019, 03:49:19 PM »
$-16,773 as of 4/28/2017. I believe I found MMM website around that time and started reading articles. I was already frugal in nature and had recognized my main mistake or two (leasing a car) but had every intention of buying it. Drove every mile and figured this is the type of used car I'd buy so might as well stick with it instead of finding something else that could potentially have unknown issues. My payment went down anyhow so my cash flow improved and I got to keep a car I still enjoy daily. Insert multiple facepunches here.

Shortly after the above date is when the purchase happened and technically around then my NW dropped to about -$25k with a new balance sheet asset of my car! So at the time my car was valued around 15-16k. More recently I've decided to only value the car at the value of the liability against it. This then nets to 0 affect on my NW. Currently my net worth is approaching $28,000 and should exceed $30,000 by Mid May.

With the first number of $-16,773 and today's value of $27,750 over 24 months that puts me at a change of $44,523 or $1,855 per month. The receipt of a small pension lump sum, getting a new job with a sign up bonus, renting a townhouse instead of an apartment and getting my salary over $50k has all caused changes to my savings rate over time, but ultimately at  or near this pace and I'm hopeful things will keep improving!


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #196 on: April 23, 2019, 09:22:00 PM »
August 2013: -$2,800
April 2019: $112,500

Found MMM when I was 25. I'd probably have more had I chosen a more lucrative career path.

Couple observations:
I'm noticing that the huge increases (Ex. +$200k in only a couple years) are from folks who are a bit older and had high incomes to begin with. Was it just a matter of spending less of your already huge paychecks?

I'm also wondering how much of these dramatic increases are due to less spending vs. the economic recovery (and huge financial market gains) in the past five years.

I guess I'm one of these people whose NW has jumped significantly. I don't know if you would consider our incomes high -- we make high five-figures/very low six figures. For us, roughly 60% of the NW increase was from saving our paycheck; the rest was from increase in the value of our real estate and from market gains.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #197 on: April 24, 2019, 11:23:29 AM »
I read all of the MMM blog posts in mid-late 2015 and joined the forum in December 2015, although I didn't post much until this year.

Start NW in 12/2015:
953k, of which $440k was home equity, and $513k was non-home equity

Last month:
1.3M total, $550k home equity, $753k non-home equity

Updating as of 4-1-19:
1.56M total, $617k home equity, $946k non-home equity,

Total gain since finding MMM in 2015:
Non-home equity gain:
Not bad I guess for just under 3.5 years!

To answer @TheGadfly, we have certainly seen market gains and are older with higher salaries, but we also increased our savings rate considerable in that timeframe, from 17% in 2015 to 40% in 2017, which is incredible to me; that doesn't take market gains into account at all, just what we're saving either cash or retirement. We've had some raises in that timeframe but nothing dramatic, just the usual 3-4%. We made SO many lifestyle changes after finding MMM. We're only at 37% YTD savings rate this year so far, so we need to get more disciplined again.


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Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #198 on: April 24, 2019, 03:34:35 PM »
 Found MMM Oct 2015:   Total NW $567k,   home equity $290k,  liquid $277k
 Oct 2016:                     Total NW $688k,   home equity $300k,  liquid $388k
 Oct 2017:                     Total NW $867k,   home equity $342k,  liquid $539k
 Oct 2018:                     Total NW $1.2M,   home equity $454k,  liquid $779k
 Now:                            Total NW $1.3M,   home equity $471k,  liquid $858k

Dang, this stuff works, we've more than doubled our net worth in 3.5 years. It really accelerated when we finished paying off all but our mortgage debt. I'm also being very conservative on the house value, it's probably $50-100k higher.

We're not there yet, but starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Bloop Bloop

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  • Location: Melbourne, Australia
Re: How much has your Net Worth increased since starting MMM?
« Reply #199 on: April 27, 2019, 09:59:06 AM »
In the 5 months since joining these forums local real estate prices have dropped about 5% which means my net worth has dropped about $75,000 from that alone. In the same 5 months I have saved about $40,000 after tax so overall my net worth has dropped $35,000.

The housing market is forecast to drop anther 10% or so this year so I think it likely that my net worth will be down at least about $75,000 this year - however, in good years obviously the net worth goes up, so I'm not too concerned yet.


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!