Author Topic: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say  (Read 97958 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #200 on: June 03, 2015, 09:13:28 PM »
The older Chinese guy in the cubicle next to me is pretty hilarious/annoying.  He has been at our company for 25+ years.  He burps and farts loudly and at semi-regular intervals.  He has a coffee mug that says "I like horny women and big titties" with a picture of a cow on it . . . which he brings to all of our office meetings.  He will often nod off at his desk for a couple hours after lunch, so if you need to speak to him you have to shake him awake.

He is also the only guy who has a solid understanding of several key parts of our shockingly undocumented code base, so people are afraid to talk to him too harshly about his habits.

I think this guy is amazing I want his life.


  • Bristles
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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #201 on: June 04, 2015, 05:01:52 AM »

The best treatment I'm aware of for post-nasal drip is the nasal sprays, some of them just went over the counter. Problem is that they're all steroid based, and I'm oversensitive. Long term use could cause some very bad things - it gave my mom glaucoma for example. There are some other things that can help, and none of the ones I've tried worked for me. I just muddle along as best I can.

Not all prescription nasal sprays are steroids. Have you tried azelastine (a couple of brand names including Astelin), ipratropium (Atrovent) or olopatadine (Patanase)?

As for passwords, typically I have a number in mine and just tweak it up by one each time, but a colleague mentioned something about including the year and season. Voila, a password that will never repeat.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #202 on: June 04, 2015, 05:38:44 AM »

As for passwords, typically I have a number in mine and just tweak it up by one each time, but a colleague mentioned something about including the year and season. Voila, a password that will never repeat.

Great tip! Not all coworkers are bad :)

On the subject of food at the office, I worked once with a very overweight woman who ate all day long. One day she told me that the leader of her slimming group told her that she wasn't losing weight because she wasn't eating enough.

Now that's a line of business I should get into. That group leader will have clients for life!


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #203 on: June 04, 2015, 05:43:00 AM »
The website for my stock broker which is one of the biggest banks in my area does not allow for a password longer than 8 characters! Not a minimum; a maximum!!!


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #204 on: June 04, 2015, 05:54:33 AM »

The website for my stock broker which is one of the biggest banks in my area does not allow for a password longer than 8 characters! Not a minimum; a maximum!!!

Sounds like they haven't updated their database and app to support it.   And I think I know which one that is ;)

Sam E

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #205 on: June 04, 2015, 06:08:19 AM »
Quote from: theadvicist
One day she told me that the leader of her slimming group told her that she wasn't losing weight because she wasn't eating enough.

Now that's a line of business I should get into. That group leader will have clients for life!

That's actually legitimate, to an extent. If you consume too few calories, especially when combined with exercise, your body goes into "starvation mode" and starts putting away calories as fat at a far higher rate.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #206 on: June 04, 2015, 07:01:11 AM »
My work's password requirements:

1. Change it every 30 days
2. Can't be the same as any of your last 50 passwords
3. Must be between 10 and 23 characters long (yes 23, I don't know why it's 23)
4. Can't have 3 consecutive letters in alpha order (so no ABC)
5. Can't have 3 consecutive letters in keyboard order (so no QWE)
6. Can't have more than 2 repeating letters (so AA is good, AAA is not)
7. Can't have more than 3 letters in a row
8. Can't have more than 2 numbers in a row (12 is good, 123 is not)
9. Can't repeat numbers (11 is bad)
10. Must have 1 number, lowercase letter, uppercase letter and special character
11. Must start with a letter
12. Can't end with a special character

I think it took me 30 minutes my first day to find a password that would work.  I think it just head butted the keyboard a few times until something stuck.
I suspect the majority of employees there have a password on a post-it under their keyboards.

Actually, if you just work your way down the office phone list using both first & last name with their extension, it should meet most requirements. If your office has less than 25 employees, quit and find a new place to work.

For example:

You broke rules #7 and #8.  The no more than 3 letters in a row is tough. And only 2 numbers gets annoying.

My current password is a radio station from my childhood (only one I could think of with 3 letters and not above 100) and a simple indexing number.  So something like "KTK98.5fm6"    as you can tell, this has been changed 6 times.  Most people do something similar (someone told me about the radio station idea) and then just have a sticky on their computer with the current index number.  I've told people their passwords before (about 1/2 the company uses the radio station method and there is a country station that works) and they think I'm spying on them or something.

But IT suggests passwords such as "G0ld&F!$hSt1cKs" for those who can't read that says "gold and fishsticks" in one of the most screwed up ways possible.  They got mad when I sent them the xkcd comic about how bad of a password that is.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #207 on: June 04, 2015, 07:35:35 AM »
The website for my stock broker which is one of the biggest banks in my area does not allow for a password longer than 8 characters! Not a minimum; a maximum!!!

The web site for my previous 401k management (not the current one) had a 4 *digit* (not alphanumeric!) PIN.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #208 on: June 04, 2015, 07:51:06 AM »
Not all prescription nasal sprays are steroids. Have you tried azelastine (a couple of brand names including Astelin), ipratropium (Atrovent) or olopatadine (Patanase)?

+1 Azelastine works amazingly well for me.

On topic, co-workers who insist on flushing the toilet using their foot or leaving the stall and touching the paper towel dispenser lever before they wash their hands.  Ugh, don't ruin it for the rest of us please.


  • Bristles
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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #209 on: June 04, 2015, 07:51:14 AM »
One of the guys I sit near likes to clap his  hands together really loudly as he walks by people's cubicles, to watch them jump I guess.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #210 on: June 04, 2015, 10:19:31 AM »
I thought it might be fun to start a thread with all those petty annoying things that make you want to reach FIRE and walk the hell out of the office / base / factory ASAP. For me it's:

  • *phone rings* Colleague: "Did you get my email about x?". Me: "Yes, I did. I'll send a reply presently", "oh, I just wanted to check you got it".
    Unless I don't respond within, say, 24 hours, let's assume I got it ok? No mailer deamon? I probably got it. Ringing me within seconds to check is very annoying. Either ask me the question on the phone, or give me time to answer it by email, thanks.
  • Clogging up my inbox with e-mails that -literally- just say "thanks". I know you're trying to be polite, and I hate myself for hating you for it.
  • Anyone who phones me and asks for my email address, ever, and then questions "Is that all in lowercase?"Argh
  • And, worse, "Is that all one word? No dots?". If there were dots I would tell you!

Anyone else got any, or am I the only curmudgeon about? Or is there a thread for this already? Couldn't see one, but I'm relatively new.
Really?  You're making life choices based upon the fact that other people are occasionally annoying? 

First world problems.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #211 on: June 04, 2015, 10:23:42 AM »
I really hate the "congratupalooza" emails.  Where one person sends an email to the group praising someone and then EVERYONE has to reply.  Multiple times.  Ugh!!  Send your congratulations to the person- sending a reply all is just selfish- like they want everyone to know they're nice.  come on people.
Oh dear God this.  The CEO loves these, and because it's the CEO, people feel compelled to respond.

Sam E

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #212 on: June 04, 2015, 10:54:08 AM »
The website for my stock broker which is one of the biggest banks in my area does not allow for a password longer than 8 characters! Not a minimum; a maximum!!!

The web site for my previous 401k management (not the current one) had a 4 *digit* (not alphanumeric!) PIN.

Banking websites are consistently the websites I have to dumb my passwords down considerably for. Too long, too many special characters, etc, etc. All my banking passwords are my weakest passwords by far because they're required to be.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #213 on: June 04, 2015, 11:17:22 AM »

On topic, co-workers who insist on flushing the toilet using their foot...

Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine leaning over the toilet, to where my face is within twelve inches of a public toilet bowl and then using my hand to push the lever. That will never happen in my lifetime.  I am a foot flusher. I thought everyone did this.
I work in government offices and it seems that someone thinks the proper way to adjust toilet settings is so that water squirts out when flushed.
I truly did not know this bothered anyone, so may I offer a suggestion?  Please join my team of foot flushers becuz I'm not joining yours.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #214 on: June 04, 2015, 11:31:24 AM »

On topic, co-workers who insist on flushing the toilet using their foot...

Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine leaning over the toilet, to where my face is within twelve inches of a public toilet bowl and then using my hand to push the lever. That will never happen in my lifetime.  I am a foot flusher. I thought everyone did this.
I work in government offices and it seems that someone thinks the proper way to adjust toilet settings is so that water squirts out when flushed.
I truly did not know this bothered anyone, so may I offer a suggestion?  Please join my team of foot flushers becuz I'm not joining yours.

I didn't even know this was a thing!! Is your flush lever on the floor??


  • Bristles
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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #215 on: June 04, 2015, 11:58:11 AM »

On topic, co-workers who insist on flushing the toilet using their foot...

Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine leaning over the toilet, to where my face is within twelve inches of a public toilet bowl and then using my hand to push the lever. That will never happen in my lifetime.  I am a foot flusher. I thought everyone did this.
I work in government offices and it seems that someone thinks the proper way to adjust toilet settings is so that water squirts out when flushed.
I truly did not know this bothered anyone, so may I offer a suggestion?  Please join my team of foot flushers becuz I'm not joining yours.

I didn't even know this was a thing!! Is your flush lever on the floor??
Just what I was wondering.
OK, I just tried and if I exert myself and move my foot up as far as I possibly can, I can foot flush. But it is seriously uncomfortable (and I'm a tall guy!). Would you possibly be willing to post a picture of these toilets, BlueHouse?


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #216 on: June 04, 2015, 12:27:13 PM »

On topic, co-workers who insist on flushing the toilet using their foot...

Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine leaning over the toilet, to where my face is within twelve inches of a public toilet bowl and then using my hand to push the lever. That will never happen in my lifetime.  I am a foot flusher. I thought everyone did this.
I work in government offices and it seems that someone thinks the proper way to adjust toilet settings is so that water squirts out when flushed.
I truly did not know this bothered anyone, so may I offer a suggestion?  Please join my team of foot flushers becuz I'm not joining yours.

I didn't even know this was a thing!! Is your flush lever on the floor??
Just what I was wondering.
OK, I just tried and if I exert myself and move my foot up as far as I possibly can, I can foot flush. But it is seriously uncomfortable (and I'm a tall guy!). Would you possibly be willing to post a picture of these toilets, BlueHouse?

I'm not sure I'm inserting this image correctly.  I hope you can see it. The Flush lever can be seen by following the silver pipe from the top of the ceramic toilet.  the lever extends out from the pipe to the left, and coincidentally, is just about as wide as the sole of a shoe.  The toilet itself extends out from the wall at least 2 feet, so you would have to bend from the waist to even reach that lever with your hand. Unless you tried to flush backwards while still seated. 

Schaefer Light

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #217 on: June 04, 2015, 12:29:18 PM »
The older Chinese guy in the cubicle next to me is pretty hilarious/annoying.  He has been at our company for 25+ years.  He burps and farts loudly and at semi-regular intervals.  He has a coffee mug that says "I like horny women and big titties" with a picture of a cow on it . . . which he brings to all of our office meetings.  He will often nod off at his desk for a couple hours after lunch, so if you need to speak to him you have to shake him awake.

He is also the only guy who has a solid understanding of several key parts of our shockingly undocumented code base, so people are afraid to talk to him too harshly about his habits.

I think this guy is amazing I want his life.
If I had serious FU money, I would behave just like this guy.  I'd also have a beer or two at lunch.

Sam E

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #218 on: June 04, 2015, 12:42:28 PM »
Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine leaning over the toilet, to where my face is within twelve inches of a public toilet bowl and then using my hand to push the lever.

Your arms are only 12 inches long, or...?
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 12:45:40 PM by Sam E »


  • Bristles
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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #219 on: June 04, 2015, 12:46:49 PM »
Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine leaning over the toilet, to where my face is within twelve inches of a public toilet bowl and then using my hand to push the lever.

Your arms are only 12 inches long, or...?
This conversation is cracking me up :-)


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #220 on: June 04, 2015, 01:06:18 PM »
I temp and freelance quiet a bit so I've developed a tolerance for most of the annoying office behaviors. But I do have a small list

1. Constant snifflers - I know this is a medical condition and can be difficult to deal with. But nothing will drive me closer to insanity than 8 hours sharing a desk with someone that has a deviated septum.
2. Small Talk - PLS STAHP! I'm terrible at is. I'm weird and have limited social skills. Please stop forcing this conversation, it is just unpleasant for both of us.
3. Overshare- I don't care if your cat learned how to use the litter box this weekend. I really don't.

I am guilty of the following - eating at my desk, putting make up on in the bathroom, being too blunt, and appearing rude in emails


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #221 on: June 04, 2015, 01:07:04 PM »
Quote from: theadvicist
One day she told me that the leader of her slimming group told her that she wasn't losing weight because she wasn't eating enough.

Now that's a line of business I should get into. That group leader will have clients for life!

That's actually legitimate, to an extent. If you consume too few calories, especially when combined with exercise, your body goes into "starvation mode" and starts putting away calories as fat at a far higher rate.

If that were true 1) anorexia would be physically impossible 2) you would be violating the laws of physics.

Sam E

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #222 on: June 04, 2015, 02:00:59 PM »
Quote from: theadvicist
One day she told me that the leader of her slimming group told her that she wasn't losing weight because she wasn't eating enough.

Now that's a line of business I should get into. That group leader will have clients for life!

That's actually legitimate, to an extent. If you consume too few calories, especially when combined with exercise, your body goes into "starvation mode" and starts putting away calories as fat at a far higher rate.

If that were true 1) anorexia would be physically impossible 2) you would be violating the laws of physics.

It's essentially that starving yourself triggers your metabolism to decrease significantly, so if you suddenly eat big meals after a period of eating meager amounts those calories will end up stored as fat more than would if you had a steady, healthy calorie intake that maintained a reasonable metabolism.

This is why when people "diet" by living off of lettuce and celery for a month they end up dramatically losing weight, but then putting even more on than they started with once they inevitably revert to normal eating habits.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #223 on: June 04, 2015, 02:03:00 PM »
I'm not sure I'm inserting this image correctly.  I hope you can see it. The Flush lever can be seen by following the silver pipe from the top of the ceramic toilet.  the lever extends out from the pipe to the left, and coincidentally, is just about as wide as the sole of a shoe.  The toilet itself extends out from the wall at least 2 feet, so you would have to bend from the waist to even reach that lever with your hand. Unless you tried to flush backwards while still seated. 

Yes, I see it. And OK, this seems like a very weird setup and I see why you are foot flushing. In that case, I might do it, too. Although I am not sure that it would ever have occurred to me ;)

Quote from: theadvicist
One day she told me that the leader of her slimming group told her that she wasn't losing weight because she wasn't eating enough.

Now that's a line of business I should get into. That group leader will have clients for life!

That's actually legitimate, to an extent. If you consume too few calories, especially when combined with exercise, your body goes into "starvation mode" and starts putting away calories as fat at a far higher rate.

If that were true 1) anorexia would be physically impossible 2) you would be violating the laws of physics.
It seems to be a common misconception. But the part about starvation mode is true, in a sense (as far as I know). Your weight loss (or gain) is only influenced by the difference between energy intake and energy usage. That's really just physics ;)
But if you starve yourself, our body will:
- Try to get more energy out of food you eat and
- Try to run more efficiently, i.e., with less energy usage.
So there can indeed be situations where eating less can lead to less weight loss (or more weight gain) than eating more. But I don't know how common that actually is in practice.
Also, if you make sure that you eat really little and exercise a lot, you can always force weight loss (again just physics). But that's probably not healthy. In fact, that's probably anorexia or at least related to it.

Schaefer Light

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #224 on: June 04, 2015, 02:22:25 PM »
This is yet another thread that reminds me of why I'd rather work from home.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #225 on: June 05, 2015, 10:36:52 AM »
I am a foot flusher.  I won't touch public restroom toilet handles.  The bowl gets foot flushed, and the urinal stays unflushed.  I touch the handle at home and work though.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #226 on: June 05, 2015, 10:42:47 AM »
I am a foot flusher.  I won't touch public restroom toilet handles.  The bowl gets foot flushed, and the urinal stays unflushed.  I touch the handle at home and work though.

And i hate it when people don't flush the urinal.  Nasty and inconsiderate of others.  There is a sink, just wash your hands after flushing!


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #227 on: June 05, 2015, 11:00:07 AM »
Quote from: theadvicist
One day she told me that the leader of her slimming group told her that she wasn't losing weight because she wasn't eating enough.

Now that's a line of business I should get into. That group leader will have clients for life!

That's actually legitimate, to an extent. If you consume too few calories, especially when combined with exercise, your body goes into "starvation mode" and starts putting away calories as fat at a far higher rate.

If that were true 1) anorexia would be physically impossible 2) you would be violating the laws of physics.
Not really.  If you drew a graph of weight loss on the Y axis and calorie intake on the left axis, it's not a straight line - for many reasons, including how your metabolism slows down.

Of course, anorexia is at one end of the spectrum, where your intake is SO low and your body is SO thin that you are killing yourself.

But when I was in my early 30's, I embarked on an attempt to lose weight, and I pretty much thought it was impossible.

But it wasn't.  I used weight watchers, the weight fell off in about 5 months (50+ pounds).  Near the end I was losing at about 0.5 lbs a week.  When I hit 127 I said "I'm good" and I started adding in more "points" (calories) for maintenance, and then the pounds started dropping even faster, more like 2lbs a week.  Had to keep adding even MORE calories to level off.

This "value" or "number" is totally going to depend on your own metabolism, age, activity level, sex, etc (we are all our own special snowflakes).  For example, it's now 13 years later, and that "number" (whether it me maintenance or weight loss or whatever) for me has dropped a good few hundred calories a day.  I'm going to draw a picture.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #228 on: June 05, 2015, 11:02:57 AM »
Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine leaning over the toilet, to where my face is within twelve inches of a public toilet bowl and then using my hand to push the lever.

Your arms are only 12 inches long, or...?
not quite. But a basic understanding of geometry shows that the reach to the flush lever is longer than 12 inches. Assuming the toilet is at a right angle to the wall and the lever is parallel with the wall, then the distance from my shoulder to the lever is a^2*b^2. Using my hand would require me to both lean and stretch, while simultaneously covering my face with my other hand to avoid any spray back.
My hip is lower to the toilet than my shoulder is, so not only is the distance of b^2 reduced, but my reach with my leg exceeds that of my arm, keeping my face a safer distance from the bowl.

If there is another way to do this that I haven't considered, I'm willing to listen, but I'm unlikely to change my ways. I don't understand what is wrong with foot flushing. I wouldn't do it in someone's home where there are normal toilets with regular handles, but in a public restroom, I assumed this was how they are meant to be used. I admit though, to never having actually read instructions.

Sam E

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #229 on: June 05, 2015, 11:16:53 AM »
Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine leaning over the toilet, to where my face is within twelve inches of a public toilet bowl and then using my hand to push the lever.

Your arms are only 12 inches long, or...?
not quite. But a basic understanding of geometry shows that the reach to the flush lever is longer than 12 inches. Assuming the toilet is at a right angle to the wall and the lever is parallel with the wall, then the distance from my shoulder to the lever is a^2*b^2. Using my hand would require me to both lean and stretch, while simultaneously covering my face with my other hand to avoid any spray back.
My hip is lower to the toilet than my shoulder is, so not only is the distance of b^2 reduced, but my reach with my leg exceeds that of my arm, keeping my face a safer distance from the bowl.

If there is another way to do this that I haven't considered, I'm willing to listen, but I'm unlikely to change my ways. I don't understand what is wrong with foot flushing. I wouldn't do it in someone's home where there are normal toilets with regular handles, but in a public restroom, I assumed this was how they are meant to be used. I admit though, to never having actually read instructions.

You could stand next to the toilet and push the lever while facing away from the toilet itself. You could also squat instead of lean.

My personal method is to press the handle as I stand up, in one action. Just reach behind, and as you stand up, press the lever. No need to even face the toilet at all.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 11:55:01 AM by Sam E »


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #230 on: June 05, 2015, 01:31:16 PM »
My work's password requirements:
7. Can't have more than 3 letters in a row

Actually, if you just work your way down the office phone list using both first & last name with their extension, it should meet most requirements. If your office has less than 25 employees, quit and find a new place to work.

For example:

That's the one that would mess up that password, as well as many many passwords :/


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #231 on: June 05, 2015, 02:44:30 PM »
My work's password requirements:

1. Change it every 30 days
2. Can't be the same as any of your last 50 passwords
3. Must be between 10 and 23 characters long (yes 23, I don't know why it's 23)
4. Can't have 3 consecutive letters in alpha order (so no ABC)
5. Can't have 3 consecutive letters in keyboard order (so no QWE)
6. Can't have more than 2 repeating letters (so AA is good, AAA is not)
7. Can't have more than 3 letters in a row
8. Can't have more than 2 numbers in a row (12 is good, 123 is not)
9. Can't repeat numbers (11 is bad)
10. Must have 1 number, lowercase letter, uppercase letter and special character
11. Must start with a letter
12. Can't end with a special character

I think it took me 30 minutes my first day to find a password that would work.  I think it just head butted the keyboard a few times until something stuck.

Aq1sw2de3!04... you'd have to skip 11, 22, ....

It's easy to remember plus it can be typed one handed.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #232 on: June 05, 2015, 03:27:02 PM »
My work's password requirements:

1. Change it every 30 days
2. Can't be the same as any of your last 50 passwords
3. Must be between 10 and 23 characters long (yes 23, I don't know why it's 23)
4. Can't have 3 consecutive letters in alpha order (so no ABC)
5. Can't have 3 consecutive letters in keyboard order (so no QWE)
6. Can't have more than 2 repeating letters (so AA is good, AAA is not)
7. Can't have more than 3 letters in a row
8. Can't have more than 2 numbers in a row (12 is good, 123 is not)
9. Can't repeat numbers (11 is bad)
10. Must have 1 number, lowercase letter, uppercase letter and special character
11. Must start with a letter
12. Can't end with a special character

I think it took me 30 minutes my first day to find a password that would work.  I think it just head butted the keyboard a few times until something stuck.

Aq1sw2de3!04... you'd have to skip 11, 22, ....

It's easy to remember plus it can be typed one handed.

most keyboard patterns are in the various password guessing databases.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #233 on: June 05, 2015, 04:48:12 PM »
I am a foot flusher.  I won't touch public restroom toilet handles.  The bowl gets foot flushed, and the urinal stays unflushed.  I touch the handle at home and work though.

I don't get the squeamishness, unless the handle is actually dripping with drek. You can wash your hands immediately after flushing and get them just as clean as they were before, if not cleaner. 


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #234 on: June 05, 2015, 07:12:50 PM »
I am a foot flusher.  I won't touch public restroom toilet handles.  The bowl gets foot flushed, and the urinal stays unflushed.  I touch the handle at home and work though.

I use toilet tissue or seat cover to flush all public and work toilets. I would not let my hands touch the handle.

Sam E

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #235 on: June 05, 2015, 07:47:58 PM »
I am a foot flusher.  I won't touch public restroom toilet handles.  The bowl gets foot flushed, and the urinal stays unflushed.  I touch the handle at home and work though.

I use toilet tissue or seat cover to flush all public and work toilets. I would not let my hands touch the handle.

Why not? I'm really curious about this. Do you not wash your hands before leaving the restroom? To me it seems as long as I don't put my hands in my mouth or rub them on my clothes/body it won't make a difference what bacteria or whatever is on any handles in the bathroom because I'll very soon be washing my hands thoroughly with hot water and soap anyhow.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #236 on: June 05, 2015, 08:06:05 PM »
I am a foot flusher.  I won't touch public restroom toilet handles.  The bowl gets foot flushed, and the urinal stays unflushed.  I touch the handle at home and work though.

I use toilet tissue or seat cover to flush all public and work toilets. I would not let my hands touch the handle.

The whole germ paranoia drizzled with antibacterial soap thing really makes me giggle.  It won't kill you. 

I giggle even more when I hear someone carefully take out that flimsy toilet seat cover and carefully place it on the seat.  Yes, that 0.0001 thick bit of tissue paper between your fancy butt and the seat is going to keep you from contracting herpegonesyphillis.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #237 on: June 05, 2015, 08:25:03 PM »
BTW, She always bugs me to tell you that she thinks your handle should read CPA Cat. She says that the degree is so hard to earn that all three letters really should be capitalized. Either that or she has OCD and just doesn't like the way it looks. Or both.

Well it is an acronym, so she's technically correct, if a bit pedantic.
She says thank you very much. She's sure it's a result of superior breeding.

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #238 on: June 05, 2015, 10:28:20 PM »
The thing that puzzles me re: public bathrooms is the folks who wash their hands, then use the paper towel to open the door. Seems like the handle on the exit side of a bathroom door would be the cleanest piece of hardware in any building. Is the towel brigade assuming some people don't wash their hands? Can anyone explain?

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #239 on: June 05, 2015, 10:29:35 PM »
A workmate once taped a phone receiver to my head so I could keep working hands-free...


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #240 on: June 05, 2015, 10:58:51 PM »
I clean some public bathrooms. People are slobs when not in the public eye. If personal separation from these individuals mess matters to you, bring a small spray bottle of Lysol-type cleaner with you when using a public or workplace restroom.

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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #241 on: June 06, 2015, 12:45:13 AM »
Seems like the handle on the exit side of a bathroom door would be the cleanest piece of hardware in any building. Is the towel brigade assuming some people don't wash their hands?
Yes. I know for a fact that at least one person on my floor doesn't wash her hands in the bathroom. So it's pretty much a guarantee that the inside handle of the door isn't too clean at any given time.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #242 on: June 07, 2015, 01:47:48 PM »
The thing that puzzles me re: public bathrooms is the folks who wash their hands, then use the paper towel to open the door. Seems like the handle on the exit side of a bathroom door would be the cleanest piece of hardware in any building. Is the towel brigade assuming some people don't wash their hands? Can anyone explain?

About 2/3rds of the people I see in the washroom go directly from stall or urinal to the exit.  There's one guy at work who grabs a wad of tissue, unzips, then fishes out his manly rod of doom with the tissue covering so that he won't have to wash his hands . . . I'm not sure if he should get a freebie or not.  Everybody else though?  Gross.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #243 on: June 07, 2015, 03:33:54 PM »
The thing that puzzles me re: public bathrooms is the folks who wash their hands, then use the paper towel to open the door. Seems like the handle on the exit side of a bathroom door would be the cleanest piece of hardware in any building. Is the towel brigade assuming some people don't wash their hands? Can anyone explain?

About 2/3rds of the people I see in the washroom go directly from stall or urinal to the exit.  There's one guy at work who grabs a wad of tissue, unzips, then fishes out his manly rod of doom with the tissue covering so that he won't have to wash his hands . . . I'm not sure if he should get a freebie or not.  Everybody else though?  Gross.

Or, he doesn't want to get whatever may be on his hands on his Johnson (cuts up ghost peppers for a living?). Or he needs to wash his Johnson, and his hands, a lot more than he does. I don't think TP effectively blocks the transfer of bacteria or viruses (it's not a HIIPA filter!).


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #244 on: June 08, 2015, 12:03:02 AM »
I think this thread proves that humans are gross, weird, and annoying (myself included, of course.)  Bring on the robot workers!  ;-)


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #245 on: June 08, 2015, 05:16:13 AM »
I honestly don't recall ever seeing anyone use a bathroom cubicle at work and then not wash their hands. Ever. Maybe it's like the broken windows theory where one person doesn't, so another doesn't, and it suddenly becomes acceptable?

Also, just chuckled at how 'cubicle' has different connotations in British v. American English.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #246 on: June 08, 2015, 06:02:06 AM »
The thing that puzzles me re: public bathrooms is the folks who wash their hands, then use the paper towel to open the door. Seems like the handle on the exit side of a bathroom door would be the cleanest piece of hardware in any building. Is the towel brigade assuming some people don't wash their hands? Can anyone explain?

Tons of people don't wash their hands.  My husband says he sees this all the time: guy walks in, steps up to urinal, whips it out and holds his appendage in his hand, the zips up and opens the door with said hand.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #247 on: June 08, 2015, 09:46:05 AM »
holds his appendage in his hand, the zips up and opens the door with said hand.
The anatomy in question, kept (presumably) safely hidden inside clean clothes is considerably cleaner than his hand.

Working in a lab with lots of nasty stuff you get into the habit of opening doors with your feet - especially if you follow somebody who is wearing gloves.


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #248 on: June 08, 2015, 11:16:43 AM »
holds his appendage in his hand, the zips up and opens the door with said hand.
The anatomy in question, kept (presumably) safely hidden inside clean clothes is considerably cleaner than his hand.

Well, in theory… except that every guy I have known well enough to have first-hand experience of his "practices" in this area has shaken off the final drops, which then go all over the place (including onto the floor… which I then clean up).  I find it fairly hard to believe some of that spray doesn't end up on one's hands, given what I've seen. 


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Re: This is Why I Want to Retire - Annoying things colleagues do and say
« Reply #249 on: June 08, 2015, 12:22:26 PM »
I've never understood why men are expected to stand up while peeing.  We can pee while sitting on a toilet just as well as women, and it's not really any faster to stand . . . just messier.  I vote that all urinals be replaced by bathroom stalls personally.