@Serendip I DREAM of being able to give financial advice that is actually taken! Good work and I hope that the women go through with setting up the club!
@Dollar Slice, I love your subway deeds! Sometimes I feel that peak misanthropy happens on public transit so anything we can do to bring kindness there is good.
This week I participated in an invasive weeds cleanup, led another Girl Scouts meeting, and gave some nice furniture and housewares (high end, and with sentimental value, so that it slightly hurt to give it away) to a family whose home had burned. I also gave cookies and hot dogs to my slow-learning-disability friend, who stopped by.
I've been feeling very blah and unproductive, but now that I look at what I did in a week, I don't feel so bad!
I had a fail in trying to bring an Easter basket and plate of Easter dinner to a single (very low income) mom and her son. I tried to get in contact with them in the morning but no answer, and by the time she responded on Tuesday it was too late for the food and she also didn't want us to bring the candy because of her son's ADHD. I guess I'll try to bring her some dinner this weekend, since it was also her birthday this week.
I don't think it's a pride thing, but she's a very hard person to help. I don't know her very well, but she lives in a single rented room with her 12 year old son, subsisting on less than $1000/month that her son's father sends her (the dad is also very low income.) Her landlord has been trying to evict her for over a year. I tried to put her in contact with social services but she somehow cannot avail herself of them; she seems to have mental illness that prevents her from holding down a job or effectively advocating for herself. This is not an easy fix. I feel bad because I know several people who all have trouble taking care of themselves, but caring for them would take substantial money and time, like adopting a special needs child. So sometimes I give them cookies or food, because that's all I can commit to.