What are you doing right now to make money? How much do you make? How many hours do you work and how hard is the work (mentally/physically)?
Here's why:
- If you're a oncology resident working 85-hour weeks, then you should focus on saving in smart ways and not buying stuff you don't need.
- If you're doing some 35-40hr/wk job that you find mentally and physically easy, then I would recommend starting a side-hustle that could grow.
If you're open to the idea that you could create a service or product to sell, then I would recommend some entrepreneur books.
The classic is "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Tim Ferriss. There is a lot to critique in this book, but the core message that you don't have to trade hours for money is strong.
I like "Company of One" by Paul Jarvis.
I'm a big fan of "$100 Start-Up" by Chris Guillebeau - which shows that you don't need investors or a lot of money to start a side-business that could grow to much more.
I'm a huge fan of the Side-Hustle Nation podcast with Nick Loper. He has 600+ podcast episodes and does a great job of avoiding get-rich-quick or anything associated with MLMs or network marketing. To help you sort through his enormous catalog of episodes, he will create a curated list based on your answer to a few questions. (