I'm in the car with the wife, and we are listening to the owner of a local investment company, and the host of a local station. The topic is, "Is the US stock market overheated, and about to crash?". A call came in from a woman with a spare thousand to invest, and she wanted guidance on what small cap. stock to invest in. The expert starts to respond, and I turn it up and say, "here we go" to the DW, as I'm ready for the usual bull, and maybe even a pitch to contact his firm. He starts with first telling the woman to never invest in a single small cap. stock. He cautions that the average one will not beat a treasury bond, long term, and there is little the small investor can do to try to divine which company will soar, and which will tank, so it's best to not take the risk. He then tells her the next big mistake is wasting money on fees, including excess fees to purchase individual stocks and having them managed for you. Finally, he tells her to buy a very low cost small cap. index fund, and specifically recommends a Vanguard product. He closed the show by stating that the goal is to end up with a big, beautiful, well balanced, well diversified portfolio of domestic and some global holdings.
Not in the least what I expected, or have heard in the past, when one of these types gets a chance for free media exposure.