What advantage are you looking for with the mid cap and small cap?
My understanding is that the smaller the cap the greater the risk and potential return. On a 10 year average the small cap is 9.4%, the mid cap is 9.9%, and the full index is 8.5%. (using vanguard funds for those numbers, compare with your fund returns and see what they show)
So long term you do have greater potential reward with the smaller cap funds, while also having higher risk.
My current decision has been to dump all funds into the full index. I have no bonds, no international, no small cap, just the full index. The fee is really small at .01%, so I know I'm not losing anything to fund costs. The .33-.45 costs for your funds seem a bit high, I would be interested what the full index fee is.
Edit: I forgot to mention I have about 20% of my funds in VGSLX, a REIT index that I chose to hopefully provide good returns. I don't add to that fund, all new funds get placed straight into the full index. I doubt you have a REIT index option to choose from, but that is where I look to gain some extra performance with a small percentage of my portfolio that may be similar to you putting 20% in small or mid caps. But the difference in your cost for those funds might offset additional gains you might get over time. The 10 yr average is just 8.8% so about the same as full index, but my theory is that is has a few more years of the recent high returns in store... we will see. It has 10 times the cost as the full index fund, but that is still only .1%.
I don't have a strong argument for why my idea is best, it's just what I've settled on. I had money in bonds until recently, and I had money in international index funds until recently. But I just can't justify them, and I can't justify the mid or small cap funds either. I want to own the full market, and the full index does that. I want high returns and the index does that. I don't know if international or small cap or bonds or anything else will do well in the future, all I have is the past to judge, so based on that I am happy with everything in full index for the next 30 years. That could change over time, but for now that is my plan and I'm happy to just let it ride there.