I enjoyed the survey at the top of this thread. I was originally going to click "Friends and Family", but then I realized that by writing this blog, I'm technically telling "everyone I can", so I selected that answer instead.
I'm still somewhat vague to people in real life. For example, when I drop my son off at school, I don't make a point of telling the other parents, "HEY! I'm not going in to work today, and you could be here too with just these five simple steps!!!"
On the other hand, when we have new people over at the house in a party situation, I'll tend to start talking about frugality, the Earth, simple living, and the fact that all of this allows you to work a lot less than most of us currently do. This usually leads to some pretty detailed Money Mustache talk.
I find that if you talk about the values behind the switch first, rather than just "I plan to quit working", people are much more receptive. In fact, most people get pretty damned excited and start making plans to get themselves some of the simple living goodness.
Remember - we are not the crazy ones in this situation, it is the consumer culture that is wrong, if you look at it from an even remotely scientific perspective. When you have science on your side, it's a lot easier to feel confident about your choices.
Guitarist: if someone thinks it is silly to retire before 50, perhaps it is better to just talk about making work OPTIONAL before that age? You probably already do this, but I'm still struggling to understand why someone would think that.
Personally, I find the idea of a person still doing mandatory work at that age to be the more silly concept. What is more interesting to buy, than your own freedom? Why not get the freedom first, and THEN you'll still have plenty of time to buy anything else you might need.. and enjoy it as a free man!