There is no typical is such scenarios unless you are a member of the management team (named employee, likely an officer of the company covered for E&O , have an employment agreement defining such terms). Otherwise, the value of all of it is zero and it is a lottery ticket, especially if you are working 'at will' and could be terminated at any time with or without reason. another key information to know is whether they will still raise more rounds of funding as you have to remember about dilution, just because you are given X options and they may worth 'X' , it does not mean at all that they will continue to be worth X - company hits a bump (or board wants different valuation) and they do a round of financing, the value of your "stake" will (typically) plummet
So all in all , focus on tangibles - salary, team you will be working with, type of work you think you would be doing. anything not contractually bounded from them, does not exist. if they want to issue you some funny money lottery tickets , ok - say 'thank you'. other than that, I would not trade tangible for tickets they can change terms on at any time..