Mortgages and taxes. Especially with new home owners, banks like to pay the taxes so they know the taxes get paid. That way the municipality is not selling the house for unpaid taxes and the bank gets stiffed for the mortgage. So how they do it is they figure out roughly how much your taxes will be and you pay 1/52 of that (weekly payments,you said) along with your principal and interest - you are going PIT, the T is taxes. You need to be sure the municipality knows this, so they send the tax bill to your bank as well as to you, and when you get the bill, you just look at it and file it, you don't pay it, because the bank will. But do check with the municipality that the taxes got paid by the bank. ;-)
Lots of people (not on this forum) like this because it is easier than having to come up with a big chunk of money when the taxes come due. I do it myself, although I don't need the forced savings plan this represents, because it is easier, one less thing to worry about. My tax payments are small, and the bank does pay me a tiny bit of interest as the tax money accumulates, so I am not worrying about not having the money to invest.
this is our first house and I don't understand why the mortgage is covering my taxes???? Can I not just pay this myself???? I am currently paying weekly instalments on my mortgage of almost 235$ ... but only $something like 180 is going towards my mortgage... the rest to taxes ?!?!?!!