Dear Mustachians,
I need help. I always thought that I was the frugal type then I came across this forum and realized that I was clearly deceived by my impulse spending and self-victimization. Good news is that it's all for my family members. I have somehow convinced myself that EVERYTHING is a need: clothes, tutoring , extra-curricular activities all for my children. My hair isn't on fire anymore, in fact, it's been burnt to a crisp. Here's the financial situation:
I have a Canadian family of 7 and 2 dogs living in a 3 bedroom house with just our beds (no fancy bed sets, just box and spring. There is a $70 bunk bed I bought off Kijiji that the kids share. ), a dresser, a love seat, and a dining table.. Our car is breaking down (so far we've spent $1200 a year on it JUST FOR REPAIRS) so we want a new car, don't know what kind to get for the size of our family. We have a meretricious tenant living downstairs that we want to get rid of (like now, because I want to beat him with a mace then drive over him a couple billion times with my already inefficient minivan. That horrible, horrible grump is really stressing me out). Finally, I want to quit my second job so that I can spend time with my family... maybe retire? On average, I spend about an average of 10 hours a week with my kids... how depressing is that? Bad mother. I know, but what else can I do. There's no money. I am sick of debt. I am sick of restrictions.
Wait! There's more!! I can't say no to Granny. It's been ingrained in me that it's a no-no. Add the guilt trips and constant rants you'll get a tyrant that spends A LOT of money that I don't have. Mostly on food, but the problem is she "buys a fancy pen before she learn's how to write" I hope that makes sense. Is that even how you say it? The Mr. is going to laugh at my sad attempts again. OK... so... the finances...
Don't let her spend your money. I can certainly see providing a safe place for her to live, and some food to eat, but your money is not her money. You have to find a way to manage this.
$1192 bi-weekly The Mr.
$250 bi-weekly The Mrs. (Part-time, this is an estimated average and is very dependent on how many shifts I work. Usually, I try 2 shifts a week on my days off with my other job.)
$1095 bi-weekly The Mrs. (Full time, does not fluctuate)
$ 500 Basement Rent (Will likely disappear if I could I have my way)
$350 monthly for Child Tax Benefit (for the kids anyway)
$5805 approx. net monthly income
Your income is awesome. I live in NS, and cover a house and family (only 2 kids though) and help my mother in law, and our total expenses are under $40k.
Did you consider kicking out the tenant and letting your mother move into that space? More separation might help both of you.
Monthly Fixed Expenses:
$1300.00 Mortgage (Current balance: $165,300 at 3.59% - 7 year term)
$82.00 Internet Bill (Super Fiber Op!)
$146.00 Car Insurance (locked in for a year, will re-evaluate in October)
$7.99 Netflix
$325.00 Phone Bill (having trouble letting this one go because it's a SUPER PLAN with all inclusive everything and 6 gigs of data.)
3 phones (one for granny, one for me and one for the Mr: all unlimited talk/text/North American wide calling... voice mail, caller ID, 6GB data. It's a grandfathered plan and I am STRUGGLING with letting them go.
$1861.00 Total
I personally would deal with the internet cost (as someone who only has access to 1.5mbps, I am very jealous). Put it to work for you though.
As other have mentioned, the phones are killing you. That's huge. If you really think you want the data, we have 1gb plans (each), it's only about 1/3 of the price, I travel a lot and we've never gone over that limit. Just don't watch videos on your phone, period. That's the only thing you have to give up.
Auto insurance is crazy, shop around. I pay $1200/yr for two older vehicles.
I like the house cost, looks like you chose an affordable house! Congrats! Make sure you keep the space organized; borrow a copy of the "Not So Big House Book" from the library for ideas.
Monthly Variable Expenses:
$440.00 Electricity (Varies based on usage)
$100.00 Water and Sewer (Varies based on usage)
$650.00 approx. Food (Not bad for a family of 7 right? ... oh dear, the Mr said that I was pushing it close with this budget...)
$450.00 approx. Gas for Car *Crying like a baby*
$1640.00 Total
$440/month on electricity???? Holy balls!!!! Here are some things you need to do:
- Stop using the dryer. If your Mom is doing multiple loads of laundry a day, I guarantee that's costing you a ton if she's using the dryer. Install a line outside, and that will give her more to do and be better for your clothes, the environment and everything!
- Get an energy audit, or at least do your own analysis of your house. How much insulation is in the attic? What are the windows like?(Note that replacing windows almost never pays for itself from an energy POV, but sealing them up better and using insulating curtains might).
- Go look into mini-split heat pump heating. They work great in our climate, and probably cost about $3500 to get installed.
- You have a big family, which means lots of available labour. New Brunswick has lots of cheap wood. Look into installing a wood stove.
- Get a plug in energy meter from Cdn Tire next time they go on sale ($20). Use it to find out where your electricity usage is going, aside front he heat and dryer (those are astronomically worse, I guarantee it). Anything that uses electricity to make heat is $$EXPENSIVE$$
Other Expenses:
$1000 estimated to date on car expenses (oil change, maintenance, tire popping, winter damages, etc.)
$200 estimated to date on clothing for kids and granny
$300 estimated to date on all things puppy oriented (except food, which is combined with food budget - I wish i found MMM BEFORE I got the dogs)
$400 estimated to date eating out/movies/birthday cakes...etc..etc..etc... had a super expensive meal at the KEG as a going away thing for a colleague and granny had a stroke so no one felt like cooking (I know, I know... it's changed since then)
$300 estimated to date on medication (granny's old age problems, niece has eczema)
$500 to date on moldy basement windows (some expenses to come during Spring/Summer for installation and new side light and front door also due to mold)
Total: $2200
Nothing here is a raging fire of wastefulness. You can cut down here though.
Moldy basement window might be a sign of too much humidity, rather than a problem with the windows themselves. Buy a humidity meter (they're like $5) and check it, and get a dehumidifier if required.
Replacing windows yourself is not as complicated as people make it out to be in their head. Look into the winter-time sales at Kent, where you get the windows for ~50% off.
$ 7800.00 Credit Line 9.99% (400 bi-weekly payments going to this)
$ 7600.00 Credit Card 11.99% (500 bi-weekly payments going to this)
$500 (Previously $ 1000.00) Credit Card 11.99% (100 monthly going to this)
$1200.00 Tax Bill (100 weekly going to this)
$16600.00 Total Debt (I hear doom creeping around my bubble slowly sucking what life i have left out of me *Jaws theme playing in the background*)
Yeah, get these paid off as soon as you can. 10-12% interest is a killer. Can you get an unsecured LOC at a lower rate to help out? I have one at 7%, and I'm sure you can do better (I haven't tried because my balance is $0).
$1000 GIC - 1 year @ 1.3%
$2642 RESP - 0.5% (YIKES!)
$0 (previously $350) Savings - 1.3% for Son
$0 (previously $52) Savings - 1.3% for Daughter
$170 Savings - Piano Lessons (will be empty this Saturday) Piano lessons are 200 per quarter
$40 (previously $89) Account - *tear*
$400 Savings - 1.3% for children
$14,830 The Mrs' RRSP
$4,325 The Mr's RRSP
I do have employer RRSPs and balances for my husband's RRSPs... will update post with info when I get home.
Total Savings: $23,858
Congrats! You have assets! Focus on getting the flow right first, and you'll be able to build on this.
2002 Dodge Caravan - I bought it CASH! YAY, me! Worst purchase I ever made, now it's just a money guzzler.
Brother - unemployed, in school - is looking for a job
Mother - does not have ability to contribute and, due to some antiquated cultural beliefs, I don't really want to take money from her (buys groceries that she wants on occasion)
Niece - has eczema and asthma, medical bills cost a fortune - mother pitches in where she can (I don't factor this in, what I get is a bonus)
Son (5)
Daughter (2)
Why is your brother and niece listed? Do they live with you too? If so, until they are working they can contribute by firewood and gardening.
The Tenant uses the vehicle on occasion, most of the time it is commuting between jobs and there are occasions when bro takes the kids out swimming and such while he is at home. Free babysitting and home cook because of the amount of people at home.
Energy problem possible cause: Mom does a few loads of laundry a day - it keeps her busy. I have tried on multiple occasions to get her to stop. I really don't have the energy to trigger another nuclear bomb. I feel like there's a ghastly alien hornet's nest floating around my home controlled by dragon lady. All lights in the home are the energy efficient ones thanks to the Mr. I noticed that my water heater was old so I called the power company, they will replace it this year.
$450 in gas!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!
HOLY FUCK!!!!! I thought I was a horrible person because we spent $300/month in gas, and that's because we live in the middle of nowhere. My wife drives 1 hr each way 3x/week, and I have to commute into Halifax once or twice a month (700km each time). Also, kids activities mean we have to drive 40 mins each way once per week as well. And NB has (slightly) cheaper gas than NS!
Seriously, look into vehicle replacement. I know someone that had a Kia Sportage (one of the first ones - piece of garbage) that was able to pay for a new car just on what they saved on gas by making the switch. A Toyota Corolla would be something to look at. Crunch the numbers though!!! You need to consider 4 factors when replacing your vehicle:
- Reliability - look at Consumer Reports
- Cost (obviously)
- Person capacity (you do have a large family)
- Fuel economy (do the math!!!!)
You let the tenant use your vehicle? Um, no, unless they are paying government reimbursement rates for the vehicle. Not sure your insurance covers this situation anyways though.
To be a little more detailed according to my statements in the last 3 months, I have spent...
$822 on dining out (McDonalds, Starbucks, etc.)
$350 on gifts
$192 on books and board games (including shipping from US to Canada - never doing that again)
$300 on hobbies (I bake...a lot...)
$1564 Total wasted money in the last quarter.
Mustachians were right... it's an eye-opener... all of these expenses will STOP completely, no excuses.
The reason there really aren't any other costs are because the kids usually get gifted clothes for their birthdays. I RARELY need to buy clothes. Most of the spending has been on my niece so far but that has stopped because she's gotten what she needs. I cut EVERYONE's hair (thanks to YouTube for the certificate ;)).
Make the baking make you money, rather than costing a lot. This is a grocery expense, not a hobby expense. Make bread (look into 5-minute-per-day artisan bread, sorry I don't have time to look for the link), etc.
You already know the rest of it.
We live:
Approx. 4 KM from my part time job. (I have tried to walk this, takes my about an hour. I have short legs, deal with it. I do intend to walk more in the summer.)
Approx. 7 KM from my full time job. (I intend to buy a bike for this... well keep you posted)
Approx. 11 KM from the Mr's job. (Good luck trying to convince him to bike that)
Approx. 2 KM from Costco and Superstore (We decided to walk this in the summer and if all goes well we'll do it in the winter... Good luck spending money Granny... MUAHAHAHAH)
Approx. 3 KM from Walmart Supercentre
CostCo has a really cool electric scooter that might help the Mr commute. Just search their website. Won't work all year, but 6+ months is a huge benefit.
Also, electric bikes. For 11km, it might provide the boost needed to leave the car at home.
We do not live in a bike friendly neighborhood, but at least I chose a home purchase located within walking distance EVERYWHERE (except for outdoor entertainment like hiking, camping, fishing, beach, etc).
Of course you don't - you live in Atlantic Canada where cars are seen as the only way. Don't get me started...
hiking, camping, fishing, beach, etc... these are what make life living. Don't ever stop going to these to cut back, just figure out how to do them as efficiently as possible, and enjoy every minute.
I need a new car and want to know what you think I should get to help my family. Also, maybe tell me where I can improve since I am SURE there are improvements that can be made. Thanks for your time.
March 23, 2014 Spoke to husband, we are walking everywhere once the Summer months start. I am looking on Kijiji for bikes. Went through the plans. I didn't mention that when I begrudgingly moved to New Brunswick from BC, I refused to change my phone numbers - hence the $20 unlimited NA wide calling. It's my connection to home I have left. Even now, going through the plan I don't see it. Mom's plan is only 50 unlimited everything. It's the two other plans that I really need to go through.
March 24, 2014 A thought just crossed my mind. I'm with FIDO, can't I just keep the 6 GIGs and use Skype (voice) and Facebook (text/video) ... ?!?!?!?! What do you guys think!?!
You've got lots to work with. I worry about the resentment building up with your Mom - you guys seem to need some space from each other to make your relationship better.
Phone - I have a MagicJack (VOIP). Free calls in North America, and for less than $100/yr you get a phone number and voice mail THAT'S DELIVERED TO YOUR EMAIL!!! Take advantage of your internet connection.
Hope this helps a bit.