You've got some good reading suggestions. I'll just throw in my own personal opinion: Denver's nice.
-Smaller Size Town/City (<200K People)
Seems about right, I haven't checked. But the downtown is very compact - you can walk across it easily - so it feels small if you ignore the surrounding sprawl. If you include the metro area it's quite a bit bigger than this.
-Very Bikable and walkable
If you live near the downtown area there are a lot of bike lanes and bike-friendly streets. There's also a big push for more biking/walking infrastructure. We have a decent shared-bike program (
-Temperate climate
300 days of sunshine each year. It's 50 degrees here today. Of course, last week was a high of 17, but it's generally quite nice, even in the winter. It can get a bit hot in the summer, but I haven't owned an air conditioner in 9 years so it can't be too bad.
-Tech scene of some sort
Good and getting better. I'm in software, so I have a pretty close view of that. The startup software scene in particular is good, due to various incubators and funds that are out of Boulder. There's also a fair amount of telecom and some aerospace/defense type stuff.
-Affordable (I know this is subjective, so let's say Longmont is the benchmark)
You can look up a cost-of-living index to make this objective rather than subjective. Longmont is a suburb of Denver (sort of, you could say it's a suburb of Boulder).
- Good place to raise kids
I'd say this is more subjective, and I don't have kids so I won't comment.
The above could apply pretty well to lots of other places in the immediate area, with various changes. eg, Boulder is more bike friendly but way more expensive. But if you move out to the suburbs, that can be a very different beast (except for the climate, of course).