How difficult is it to work part-time doing basic, entry level jobs as a new web developer or making python scripts? Whenever people advertise web develop bootcamps, they always show their graduates work at top companies (google, facebook, etc.) with top salaries. However, currently I am looking to work part time and could get by with $20k/yr at the moment. My spouse and I are going to have a baby in 6 months and part time work and flexibility is more important than a maximum salary.
I plan to do an online bootcamp to make the switch to being a web developer. I am already an engineer and confident I can make the switch. I would ideally use Upwork to find projects as a freelancer. As a backup, I could also make python scripts, which I’ve already done where I currently work to automate reporting. My wife already has a good job and salary, which is why we can afford the reduction in salary, but really need flexibility.