We have a Nest because it came with the house. I don't think I could ever justify actually paying for it, if the money was itemized knowing that is what I paid for. Especially since the electric company will give you a programmable for free if you agree to override (which at our last house we found happened once, for 15 minutes, in a 5-year span.)
First- I find the learning feature to be completely silly. We just programmed ours like a normal programmable thermostat (though the programming interface is easier to use, and you can set a whole lot more change points.) I've heard most people with programmables never use them though, so I can see why the learning feature would be good.
I DO really like that I can change it with my smart phone. However, 80% of when I do that could also be combated with a simple "get your ass off the couch". There are times, especially since I got pregnant, however, when I am very sick, and it is nice to be able to make the A/C stop blowing while in the restroom... Not sure that ability is worth the cost though.
As for setting it when I'm at work- well, since we have it well programmed, I've found that I pretty much never do that. I guess if my schedule changed I could keep it from turning on, but otherwise it isn't necessary. The auto-away feature takes care of that a bit too; it will ignore your schedule if it hasn't detected any movement within a specific time frame.
It does look really cool, and have a very useable interface. Easier than a typical thermostat to both read and set.
We've had ours for three years.