- My big kid gets carsick
Okay, we're way off topic now, but my youngest child and I are both
awful about carsickness ... and all kids take a turn with the stomach flu at some point, and they aren't as adept as we adults at reaching the toilet. My mother invented the best system ever when we were kids. I use it today, and I've even whipped up a few of these for friends whose kids were sick -- everyone says it's the best way to deal with an unpleasant situation:
- Find yourself a #10 can, preferably one with a lid
- Put the lid on the bottom of the can
- Double-line the can with TWO good, thick plastic grocery bags (Target bags are nice and thick)
- Place a crumpled paper towel in the bottom of EACH grocery bag
When your kid (or you) is sick, the can is small enough to keep nearby -- a kid can take it to bed or in the car -- we've carried them into the doctor's office. When the kid throws up into the can, you tie a knot in the first grocery bag and discard it (or, if you're in the car, just set it aside). If the bag happens to leak, no harm done -- you have a second bag underneath. If the child throws up again
immediately before you have time to replace the used grocery bag, the second bag is there underneath. Why the paper towel? Because it absorbs some of the liquid-y part of the vomit and prevents splash-back. Why the lid? Okay, it's not absolutely necessary, but a small child can probably put the lid on the can more easily than he or she can tie a knot.
I highly recommend keeping one of these sick-cans in your bathroom linen closet AND another in the trunk of your car. SO CONVENIENT. Make them now before you need them.
Another hint for carsickness: Eat candied ginger. You can buy it at Harris Teeter in the produce section.