Congratulations on paying off the student loans - that's a major act of badassity.
You seem to me to be doing pretty well at the moment: very good income, no debt, limited expenses and a good start to the stash. You could try heading over the Investment and Real Estate parts of the forum to see if anything catches your fancy.
I'm not sure whether buying real estate makes sense for you at the moment: you need to work that out for yourself. Buying a house is the easy default investment for people who don't know much about investing, which is probably why friends and family are suggesting it to you. Given that you are coming here, you probably already know more about investing and real estate than they do. For what it is worth, my view is: only buy a house to live in if you are committed to the area and to the lifestyle that house will give you, and only buy investment properties if you want a side business investing in properties. Buying property does have a lot going for it, but at the same time it is a tie which doesn't suit everyone and which can limit your opportunities to do other things in life - like changing location, changing job/career, changing your lifestyle.
Apart from that, please remember that MMM is not just about saving for the future, it's about maximising life returns without trashing the planet. So don't spend money wastefully but do spend it where you get value for it. To me, that means having experiences and connecting with people. Whatever it means to you, don't wait until you are FIRE to do it, but incorporate at least some of it into your life now.