Hoping he can get it straightened out before getting so frustrated he throws in the towel. :)
There are roughly 400 FinCon bloggers and website gurus standing by on the Facebook group to help him out. He could pay them for the help but I think enough of them have benefited from his writing over the years to be happy to offer pro bono labor.
He tried paid help twice over the past few months (which came highly recommended) and both made it worse. If you (or anyone else reading this) have any recommendations for someone competent with web hosting, wordpress, etc., I'm sure he'd love to hear it. :)
Jesse Michelsen, co-founder of MANteresting.com and owner of AntiNecktie.com.
http://jessemichelsen.com/I've seen him speak at FinCon12, including a live demo where he hacked into (volunteer) audience member's websites to show them how to improve their WordPress security. I think Jim was at the same FinCon, or maybe I met him at FinCon13.
Hopefully Jim's database hasn't been trashed by earlier repair attempts.