When my Mom died a couple of years ago, my oldest kid (an adult) was the beneficiary on one of her IRA accounts. While the amount in the account isn't HUGE, it does have the potential to grow a lot over her lifetime. I'm almost 100% certain that my Mom meant to leave the account to me and have my daughter as the back up beneficiary, but she entered our names in the opposite order. (I'm not at all upset about this, just know she was a tad scatterbrained and meant to leave everything to me, then I would leave everything to my kids.) The problem I'm running into is that I have 2 other kids who got nothing, they don't even know about my oldest kid's inheritance, but I would like to make it even. This money will clearly give my oldest kid a leg up in starting her adult life and be a nice cushion for her for years to come. I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a way to give the other kids the same amount of money with the same potential for growth. The only idea I have so far is to make it happen at roughly the same age that my daughter got her inheritance. I really don't want to just hand over cash...so, any ideas? Thanks!