Hi Moneystuck, it sounds like a stressful, yucky situation! But as others have pointed out, there are ways around it if you think creatively.
Regards the house you are currently living in, since it's got six bedrooms and you only need three, why can't you rent those rooms out? Contact your local university about renting to foriegn students or professors, or stick the rooms on AirBNB - that could be a great way to bring in some extra money NOW while you figure out what to do.
And, I wonder if you're husband has applied for so many jobs with no luck if he needs to look at his CV again - perhaps there's something in the application process he can be doing better. Has he contacted recruitment agencies?
Also, for argument's sake, does your job allow you to relocate to another area/country? This widens your options further. In NZ, where I live, if people can't find a job here, they go work in the mines in Australia - make bucketloads for a few years, then come back.