So let me paint a picture; it's January in Minnesota, we have two sick kids - a 2 year old and a 9 month old - and the heat goes out at 3pm on a Friday afternoon. My wife freaks out that it's getting cold so I call the home warranty company ASAP to get someone out to fix it. They can't get anyone out till Monday except for a crappy vendor we've had before and really didn't like for various reasons - so we ask them if we can call around and use our own vendor. They agree and we call some local companies. The only one who can come out that day was one we've used before and seemed like a reputable company.
They got someone out to us at 5pm, the home warranty company needs to speak to them prior to authorizing the work. They determine it's a faulty ECM module and it needs to be replaced. The tech tells them it's a $900 part and with labor the total cost will be $1400. The home warranty says they approve the vendor but that they would only be able to reimburse the work based on their own home warranty rates for parts and labor, which could be less. They couldn't provide an actual amount though at that time. I figured it'd probably be somewhere around $1000 but was OK with that so long as it covered most of the cost. Not having time to perform any research or call for any other quotes I agreed to the work as I had no reason to doubt that the tech was overcharging me. I paid the vendor the full $1400 after they had finished.
Anyway, fast forward to today. I call the home warranty company having not heard anything about the claim, and they tell me they can cover $250, which is what their rates are for the work. This is less than 20% of what we paid. I obviously wasn't happy about this and have a supervisor scheduled to call me back to discuss it. But in the meantime, I just called another local company to get a price estimate for the same work. They quoted me around $500-600; $300 for labor and $200-300 for the part (although not the exact part - they were just guesstimating). The cheapest I can find the exact part for online is around $450, although I'm guessing companies can probably get them cheaper.
I knew the vendor we used would be more expensive due to them having to squeeze us into their schedule (and I think use an "on call" guy), plus they said they'd need to pay a "door opening" fee at the parts store due to it being after 5pm. I'm not sure whether the HVAC company completely gouged us though or if the home warranty company is low-balling us. I suspect a bit of both.
I'm looking for advice though for what you would do in this situation? The main reason we agreed to pay the $1400 was because we were under the impression we'd be reimbursed a good chunk of it, otherwise we probably would have either used their crappy vendor or waited a day so we could get more quotes and used some electric heaters to try to stay warm over night. It's not so much the money, as we have emergency funds for this reason, but I feel like we got taken advantage of here and I hate getting taken advantage of!