A word about banks - online and brick and mortar.
Do a little digging - my local credit union for instance offers what they call a Holiday Club account which pays 2% up to $4K.
The same CU also has a 1% checking up to $10K, as long as you keep a balance of $1K. (MidFlorida - may only have locations in Florida)
I love them and they do offer a plethora of other products - some of them absolutely worthwhile.
I do like for my emergency fund to be available right now:) as in I can walk into the bank:)
Last week I opened an account with an online federal credit union that gives you 100 bucks if you save at least $50 a mo for two years. They call it an emergency savings account, plus they pay 0.25 interest or o.50 interest from $1K up to 10K. (Thrivent - via Peak Financial, asks if you are Christian:)
If you have a military connection look into Navy Fed CU - they have a CD for their new account sign ups that pays I believe it is 3% at the moment up to $3K, plus they have good rates on all sorts of things. Great CU all around - love them.
It's not big bucks, but I made a couple hundred bucks in interest last year in accounts that were easily accessible with no penalties if I need it. However, since you are saving up for a mortgage - Vanguard is a good option for that as well, you will have access to your money within seven days or so, which shouldn't be a dealbreaker for a home purchase.
I don't know how much money you have in savings at present, but if you have either 10K or 15K you can open a Chase Bank savings account and get $150 or $200 if you leave your money in the account a minimum of 90 days. Sweet deal.
You will need a coupon or print out one of their online offers and read the fine print. Search for it at doctorofcredit it is a great blog - worth looking into if you are thinking of switching banks anyway - not pitching, just a suggestion to make a little extra on something you were going to do anyway.
Good luck and welcome to MMM - enjoy the forum!