If she is not willing to have a longer commute and you are not willing to change jobs, there doesn't appear to be another solution. "There's no other way around it" is not a mustachian statement.
Also, a 40 minute-1 hour commute is fairly typical. While not ideal, it shouldn't be causing such extreme exhaustion on your part. However if it is, I would hope she could take that into consideration. Could you change your work schedule at all? Work 4 longer days or work from home at all? Maybe you could find someone to car pool with?
I know you admitted the face punch worthiness already, but buying a 2018 vehicle because she insists on the convenience factor makes no sense at all. If she insists she needs a car, surely there is something more affordable available.
Is your question about saving money in general or is it specifically how to resolve this commute situation? If you are happy and have a decent savings rate, then let it be. If the commute causes you issues, then you two need to work together to come up with a solution. I think it's reasonable to ask her to take a slightly longer commute on public transportation if that's her thing, but she may feel differently. Perhaps she needs a stronger reason to compel her. If your main concern is the exhaustion from the commute, have you communicated that clearly to her? Maybe if she fully understands the reasoning, she would be more willing to change things.