Any chance of getting a forum category for van dwelling or otherwise nomadic folk? Seems there are a few of us here and many more that are interested? :)
Probably not, sorry. :)
Three main reasons.
We get a LOT of requests for a lot of different forums (some semi-recent ones: politics, recipes, entrepreneur, travel, CC churning, business, blogs, individual country based, e.g. Australia, UK, etc.). We already have 24 subforums, and the more you add, the more fragmented discussion gets, and the more overwhelming the forums get.
Additionally, already people have trouble deciding what category to put things in. If we have a van subforum, but someone's asking about a van, does it go in the van sub, or ask a mustachian? If they're posting about their van, do they post in the van sub, or start a journal? What if they're FIRE'd, can it go in post-FIRE?
Finally, "Van dwelling" is probably too niche, considering we've had maybe a dozen or so threads on it over the life of the forum (out of over 50,000 total topics started).
It's definitely something I'm interested in, as well, but the threads we have will have to suffice (and feel free to start new ones, if they aren't covering a topic related to it that you're looking for!). That could change if there was a lot of interest (tax was a new forum started semi-recently (June 2015), but that's the status for now. :)