Author Topic: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?  (Read 5572 times)


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Are any members of the forum currently living in Italy?

What are conditions really like there with the coronavirus and quarantine?

Are there guards posted to make sure people do not leave their homes?

Were you able to stock up on food and supplies?

How long is the quarantine estimated to last?

My family is worried about how you all are holding up and the media in the US seems to really make it seem horrendous and gloom and doom. I was wondering if any of you had a first hand account of the real situation.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2020, 10:26:08 AM »
I know at @Hula Hoop is there. I'm also pretty curious as my government announced drastic measures today (the Netherlands)


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2020, 11:05:58 AM »
Are any members of the forum currently living in Italy?

What are conditions really like there with the coronavirus and quarantine?

Are there guards posted to make sure people do not leave their homes?

Were you able to stock up on food and supplies?

How long is the quarantine estimated to last?

My family is worried about how you all are holding up and the media in the US seems to really make it seem horrendous and gloom and doom. I was wondering if any of you had a first hand account of the real situation.

Not in Italy. Most of China was "shut down" for 3-4 ish weeks, if I recall correctly. In my guestimation with an up to 2 week incubation period and multiple week disease you kind of need to add those 2 numbers together to get an idea of how long it would take to get the majority of those who are infected away from everyone else. I'd bet on Italy loosening some restrictions in late March or early April.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2020, 10:37:05 AM »
There are a few AltGov accounts on Twitter that are sharing their counterpart stories from Italy.  I've read a few that are horrifying from Doctors in Italy.

Also, the Atlantic had a good short article today:
Not pretty unless you're young and healthy

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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2020, 06:03:56 PM »
Not in Italy but a friend of mine posted on FB earlier. They said that you have to carry an official form if you leave the house stating the reason (emergency, work, food, pharmacy) and carry it. You will be stopped at a checkpoint and have to show the form to police. They did leave the home to take care of their livestock in another part of the area.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2020, 07:10:18 PM »
Not in Italy but my cousin is there and we text daily. She is in Rome. She said there was some panic buying initially , people stockpiling TP, spaghetti and such. Now everything is calm. Streets are empty.
All events, museums etc. closed, her husband works from home. They only go out for groceries and walks.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2020, 03:23:59 PM »
Not in Italy but my cousin is there and we text daily. She is in Rome. She said there was some panic buying initially , people stockpiling TP, spaghetti and such. Now everything is calm. Streets are empty.
All events, museums etc. closed, her husband works from home. They only go out for groceries and walks.

I hope your cousin stays well. The panic buying has definitely been happening in the US; I've noticed it more today and yesterday. I think all of the sports, events and school cancellations and closures lately have sent everyone into panic mode.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2020, 03:25:44 PM »
Not in Italy but a friend of mine posted on FB earlier. They said that you have to carry an official form if you leave the house stating the reason (emergency, work, food, pharmacy) and carry it. You will be stopped at a checkpoint and have to show the form to police. They did leave the home to take care of their livestock in another part of the area.

Interesting, I was wondering how they were policing where people were going. At least they allowed them to take care of their livestock.

Hula Hoop

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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2020, 04:20:01 PM »
Ugh - I just wrote this long post that got eaten.

Anyway, I'm on lockdown with my family (husband and two kids) in a small-ish apartment, which, unfortunately doesn't have any outside space.  We're allowed out one person at a time to buy groceries, go to the pharmacy, go to work (if not teleworking) and walk the dog (we don't have a dog though).  Theoretically, we are also allowed to go out alone for a walk or run but all the parks are closed and the rules on this are not very clear.  I went for a walk on Friday evening though by myself and it was nice to be out.  i'm working full time from home and my husband works in tourism and all his work dried up so he's home.

We've been taking our kids up onto the roof once a day or so for some air.  I've seen a few neighbors up there but we keep our distance.  At 6 pm every day everyone stuck in their apartments blasts music and sings from their balconies of windows.  The playlist changes every day but they're mostly Italian songs.  This is really important for us psychologically.  It's only day 5 and I'm finding it hard not sure how it will be at day 15 or 25.  Up in the north of Italy they've been locked down for much longer than us.

Italians are famous for flouting rules but everyone seems to be following these ones as we all know how desperate the situation is.  We're all amazed at how naïve people in other countries seem to be about this virus although recently some other countries seem to have realized the severity.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2020, 11:26:17 AM »
Some people still are, but not me. 3 people I know are in hospital right now, including a relative in a serious condition. If I was still leaving my house I'd go and punch anyone who says this is just like the flu. I certainly never had 3 people I love in hospital with the flu at the same time.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2020, 12:18:47 PM »
Some people still are, but not me. 3 people I know are in hospital right now, including a relative in a serious condition. If I was still leaving my house I'd go and punch anyone who says this is just like the flu. I certainly never had 3 people I love in hospital with the flu at the same time.

I'm sorry to hear that Imma, hope they will all get well soon again.

Here it's really hard to get tested and they're trying to ramp up testing availability. I actually just signed up as a volunteer as I'll go crazy if I can only do WFH for 6 weeks (I'm BAD at PC-work only). I know someone who works as a nurse and was suspected, so not allowed to work while untested while very needed etc, was supposed to get tested on Sunday but in the end didn't hear back from the hospital that employs her. So yeah, lack of testing is a big issue. I don't personally know anyone with the virus yet though.

Re Italy; I talked to two of my Italian friends today of whom one's family is in the heavily affected area and they say it sucks for them but they are all fine. The situation in the hospitals is awful but as long as you don't get sick it's ok. People are lonely and bored though. My friends are all pretty worried about the situation in other/my countries though as there's still so many people who don't take it seriously. If anyone still isn't taking this seriously: take it from the Italians that this is serious. 

Hula Hoop

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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2020, 03:11:38 PM »
If anyone still isn't taking this seriously: take it from the Italians that this is serious.

Yes- I'm not Italian but have lived here 15 years and am married to a local.  I spent the first few days of lock down ranting on facebook about how people have to take this seriously and stop going on road trips, going out with friends and babysitting their grand children - just to name a few examples.  Now people back in the US seem to have finally understood that this is a big deal so I'm ranting less. 

I did call my 80+ year old dad 2 days ago and he was just heading out to the Apple store in his area having already been out for a morning coffee and pastry with his wife.  He seemed to think I was being a crazy person when I told him to maybe not leave the house for a while unless absolutely necessary.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2020, 02:38:33 AM »
@Hirondelle  I've heard it's still in the early stages up north. Without wanting to go into details in public, my hometown was one of the first/worst affected, we've had community spread since at least mid-February. I don't live there anymore and I haven't been there for a couple of weeks but I know a lot of people who are very ill. They only test people now if they're ill enough to be admitted to hospital, so only a handful of people I know is officially diagnosed. But you only have to look at the death rate to know how widespread it is.

My family member was not expected to make it but is thankfully improving a little bit, although certainly not out of the danger zone. Because the disease is so new doctors can't really predict what's going to happen yet and patients sometimes get a bit better and then suddenly get worse again. It's especially strange because normally you'd go and visit and now you can't.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2020, 03:12:47 AM »
Thanks for the update Imma, glad your family member is doing a little better now. How it will further improve soon! I don't know your hometown but I do know the general area that you're from and how affected they are. Hope you will all stay safe!

And yes, it's still in the early stages here. As I work in the hospital we started to take things serious at the start of last week, but the rest of the city hasn't done anything until last thursday when the hamstering started (it wasn't as bad as in many other places though, toilet paper was restocked on Sunday when I last checked). My own hometown also doesn't seem very affected so far, although again it's hard to say whether it's lack of testing or lack of cases.

The testing situation is just as bad here where only very ill people and healthcare workers get tested, which also keeps our numbers low ofcourse. I cannot image that there's still only about 10 cases in the whole province. They are working on ramping up testing though.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2020, 04:07:47 AM »
@Imma; just want to say that I'm hoping the improvement is there to stay!


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2020, 12:02:41 PM »
@Hirondelle @Imma @Hula Hoop Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I think America is just now starting to take things seriously, but still maybe not serious enough. A few states like California and New York are on lock down and no one is at work except those deemed essential. My state has closed all of our schools, restaurant dining rooms, bars and gyms. We can still get take away and to go order food from restaurants and still go to the grocery stores. Things at the grocery stores are pretty picked over; the grocery store stockers cannot keep the shelves filled with demand. Many people have been hoarding lots and lots of food and toilet paper.

I'm hoping our country learns from others and we take more precautions. Our cases are rising fast as they are now testing more people, but I still don't feel they are testing enough people. Many people have complained of having symptoms, but they are not tested if they haven't traveled internationally.


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Re: Any Members in Italy - What is it really like there currently?
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2020, 12:50:33 PM »

Italians are famous for flouting rules but everyone seems to be following these ones as we all know how desperate the situation is. 

That's just what I was wondering. So glad you all are following the rules together this time, I'm sure it makes a difference. Best wishes to all!

@Imma, I hope your family member pulls through.