I am a CPA (Canada, 40 yo)
First of all, I like when people use the acronym "yo" for "years old," because I can read it like the word "yo" (as said in yo-yo) and it sounds like you're fake talking gangster "I'm 40, yo!"
So I will soon be working 2.5 months per year which will be enough to sustain my COL, but will add zero savings. This means it will take 10-15 years before I reach my FI number.
Nice! 2.5 months a year to cover expenses, let the stache compound for a decade or two, then quit from even that 2.5 mo. That's AMAZING!
I should be happy but can't help feeling depressed and a failure.
What? Really?
Sounds like you've put yourself in an awesome spot to:
1) Earn enough in 2.5 mo to cover your spending (by both keeping spending modest, and earning a good chunk in that short time period)
2) Have enough cash built up for it to compound in the background.
I was so motivated by the freedom FI would bring me that I just can't believe I won't attain my objective.
You'd rather full FI in 5 years than work < 25% of the year for 10-15 years, then full FIRE?
Seriously, your way sounds so much better.
I mean, as others pointed out, you can earn more during that other 9.5 months, if you want. There's plenty of ways to earn money.
But so many people would WANT to work a little, not stop cold turkey. Yes, it limits your lifestyle a little, having to plan around those months, but 9+ months of freedom? I think you might enjoy the accounting when you do do it.
I'd almost be thinking of this as full FIRE with a side gig (aka your main gig right now, the 55k job) in terms of lifestyle. Yes, the side gig is mandatory, but you can basically live how you want, and do that.
I think you're in a situation most here would love to be in. :)
Or, if you really want to push for full FI, no biggie, go earn some more, whether that's in the same field, or not.
All you need to do is shift your mindset, because being unhappy about such a great situation is only making your life worse, when it should be amazing.
Congrats! :D