Author Topic: When figureing for savings rate do you....  (Read 14460 times)


  • Stubble
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When figureing for savings rate do you....
« on: April 23, 2016, 11:08:18 PM »
my gross is 2,852.08
net 1,277.52 after 457
750$ per pay goes into my 457 plan
100$ goes into my vanguard
817.98$ pension (not sure if this comes out pre tax)
i'll pay 650$ month mortage.

first question is what is my savings rate? second question is does my mortage count towards this or not? sorry i know i've looked up how to figure this out but i keep coming up with different numbers. thanks in advance.

Monkey Uncle

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Re: When figureing for savings rate do you....
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2016, 04:47:28 AM »
Your numbers don't quite add up.  1,277.52+750+817.98=2,845.50, but you state your gross as 2,852.08.  Not a big difference, but it looks like there is some rounding error going on somewhere.

You say "gross" is 2,852.08.  Is that actually your amount after tax, but before 457 and pension deduction?

Most people here calculate savings rate by adding up all forms of savings, then dividing by after-tax salary.  So assuming the numbers you are reporting have already had taxes taken out, I would calculate your savings rate like this:

(750+100+817.98)/2,845.50*100=58.6%     Pretty damn good, congratulations!

I don't include my mortgage payment when calculating my savings rate, though I suppose you could include the part that goes toward principal.  But definitely don't include the interest, property tax, or insurance part.

One other thing to consider is employer match on your 457.  In my view, that is a form of savings, so I would include that amount in your 457 amount.  But you also need to add it to your after-tax salary.


  • Stubble
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Re: When figureing for savings rate do you....
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2016, 08:41:56 PM »
Your numbers don't quite add up.  1,277.52+750+817.98=2,845.50, but you state your gross as 2,852.08.  Not a big difference, but it looks like there is some rounding error going on somewhere.

You say "gross" is 2,852.08.  Is that actually your amount after tax, but before 457 and pension deduction?

Most people here calculate savings rate by adding up all forms of savings, then dividing by after-tax salary.  So assuming the numbers you are reporting have already had taxes taken out, I would calculate your savings rate like this:

(750+100+817.98)/2,845.50*100=58.6%     Pretty damn good, congratulations!

I don't include my mortgage payment when calculating my savings rate, though I suppose you could include the part that goes toward principal.  But definitely don't include the interest, property tax, or insurance part.

One other thing to consider is employer match on your 457.  In my view, that is a form of savings, so I would include that amount in your 457 amount.  But you also need to add it to your after-tax salary.

Thanks for your reply and help!

I kept coming up with 68.5 I knew something was off. yea there is some rounding error. I am sure I left a few cents or dollars off one number. I could probably squeeze another 100$ out of what I got going on now. and as soon as my house is paid off it will shoot up another 650$. So if I could borrow your brain a bit more because math is not my strong suit (to which I am ashamed)

how long till FI at my current rate(I have 54k saved already) I could save up and pay off my house and stop contributing towards retirement in one year. How long till FI then? if I were to add the 750$ on top? would it be worth it?


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Re: When figureing for savings rate do you....
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2016, 10:30:17 PM »
how long till FI at my current rate
See Networthify.

See if you want the math behind that calculation, and the 'Misc. calcs' tab in the case study spreadsheet if you want a spreadsheet version.

Or the Excel NPER function.

Happy estimating!


  • Stubble
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Re: When figureing for savings rate do you....
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2016, 10:53:15 PM »
how long till FI at my current rate
See Networthify.

See if you want the math behind that calculation, and the 'Misc. calcs' tab in the case study spreadsheet if you want a spreadsheet version.

Or the Excel NPER function.

Happy estimating!

so noteworthy doesn't work for me. I don't know how to use spreadsheets and am horrid at math =) that's what brought me to the forum. I hate to be a bother or even ask for help. However I know when I am out matched.


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Re: When figureing for savings rate do you....
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2016, 11:04:08 PM »
so noteworthy doesn't work for me. I don't know how to use spreadsheets and am horrid at math =) that's what brought me to the forum. I hate to be a bother or even ask for help. However I know when I am out matched.

Don't, you're not outmatched. Learning about all of this stuff is a slow process and ALL of us started out where you are. Just be patient with yourself and keep that willingness to learn and you'll be fine. The worst thing you can do is to stop learning. A savings rate is anything you want it to be. It's a personal tool to help you improve upon your saving habits. I use (Total Savings)/(After tax income) and keep it above 50%. It took me years to get there, and mileage may vary.

For finances and investments, I'd recommend using Bogleheads. It's what helped me get started and it's a great source of information for everything money-related. The wiki has LOTS of info, but hit up the forums for years worth of more detailed information if needed. I've spent months in the wiki.


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Re: When figureing for savings rate do you....
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2016, 11:30:02 PM »
See Networthify.
so noteworthy doesn't work for me.
Can you elaborate on "doesn't work"?  E.g., when you click on Networthify, does it not go to a new web site?

Does it work if you click on ?

Or do you get to that web site but find it not well documented?

Or...?  Happy to help but need more info.


  • Stubble
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Re: When figureing for savings rate do you....
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2016, 12:36:28 AM »
it does not work. my pc usage is restricted due to ... things. I've tried different browsers but I don't have admin access where I have internet access.


  • Senior Mustachian
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Re: When figureing for savings rate do you....
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2016, 01:17:52 AM »
it does not work. my pc usage is restricted due to ... things. I've tried different browsers but I don't have admin access where I have internet access.
OK, see below and let me know which numbers to change - wasn't sure how many paychecks/yr you receive so I just threw in some round numbers.

Quick calculation of "Time to FI"
Planned Withdrawal RateWR4.0%
Annual Savings InvestedS20,000$/yr
Annual Expenses in RetirementE30,000$/yr
Current Assets InvestedA54,000$
Investment returnr_6.0%
Time to FIt17.7yr
Desired time to FIt12.0yr
Annual Savings NeededS38,017$/yr