So the Dems (a lady on the TV last night referred to them as "Demon Rats"*) have to flip a total of 4 seat in the Senate according to the Polls to get a majority.
12 seats are apparently within grasp of the Dems so hopefully this ACA thing will be a non issue..
Technically the dems only need a net of three flips. The reason everyone is talking about four is that they're on track to lose in Alabama. Not that anyone is surprised by that, I just don't want Doug Jones to be forgotten about. -1 (-4 for control)
Arizona, Colorado, Maine look really good, although I don't want to jinx it. +3 (-1 for control)
It would not be surprising if the democratic nominees win in Iowa and/or North Carolina +2 (+1 for control).
It's at least plausible the democrats could win one or both seats in Georgia and in Montana +3 (+4 for control).
So that's one near certain loss, three near certain gains, and five plausible additional gains. The other four senate seats that I'm guessing are on that list of 12 could flip, but given the polling so far it would be much more surprising if the democratic won. From most to least likely (in my personal random-person-on-the-internet reading of the polls): Alaska, South Carolina, Kansas, and Texas.
I'll feel happily surprised by anything above a net gain of five. Eight wins, for a net gain of seven and a four seat majority in the senate, would be a really
really good night. I just don't want people to get their expectations set too high and feel bad about what would normally be a really good outcome.