In general illegal immigrants have contributed more than what they have taken. They work hard and don’t qualify for benefits. They do jobs that citizens won’t do.
Ever watch, "Dirty Jobs"?
People will do those jobs.
Pay people decent pay and they will do them. What jobs won't Americans do? Pick fruit? My Uncle used to do that many years ago before the onset of cheap imported labor. Don't you think people here did these agricultural jobs prior to World War 2? Do the Amish hire Mexicans to build their barns? Won't Americans do construction work? Tell that to the AFL-CIO.
The right wing has done a good job of brainwashing the people of the USA. If someone on top gets a break in the labor rate from immigrant workers, they'll concoct a wonderful story of how it is good for everyone. And, .... if they are doing an honest day's labor of hard work, they deserve benefits. Seems like the guys doing the hiring are getting a good deal.
Random clip from the web:
"In 2013 America’s federal government allowed farmers to fill 99,000 jobs with temporary foreign workers, most of whom came from Mexico. This year it is on track to let in about 240,000. A Republican-sponsored bill would raise the limit to 450,000 a year and allow them to stay for up to three years."
Now Bucky don't you think it's all about making money for some big Agri-businesses?
It doesn't have to be the way they tell you it is.
Hell - If we hadn't had the Civil War, many of us would accept propaganda today telling us how good slavery is.