You will get to the point where the waiting isn't so bad, because you aren't thinking about it as much.
I.e. right now you check Mint a lot (or whatever you do), update your net worth a lot, and constantly think and monitor.
Soon, it being on autopilot, you'll do it a little less, and a little less. Then you'll have to remind yourself to update those things, because everything's running smoothly.
I still haven't checked my December spending or done an end of year analysis for 2012 to break down my spending by category. It's on my to-do list, but doesn't seem that important. (Will it change anything I'm doing? No. It's mostly just for interest, and fun.)
Before I'd have done it right away, near the beginning of the month. I just haven't really thought of it. And that's a good thing - the money dominates your thinking right now, but it'll fade, and you'll make progress, and then (I bet) before you know it you'll be only a year out from FIRE and debating one more year after that or not to build up a bigger buffer, and deciding how much you do/don't like your job, and trying to figure out all the changes post-FIRE, like healthcare.
TL;DR It seems slow now, because you're watching the tea kettle. Once it fades into the background, it'll boil before you know it.