Hello from South Florida. I found this site through comments on the SimpleLivingForum.net boards, espcially from lhamo. Nice.
DH and I have been fairly simple livers, especially compared to our peers (he's a physician and I'm an attorney). His frugality was one of his attractions when we first met 15 years ago. If people meet us outside of work, they are often surprised to find out what we do, as they expect more ostentatious cars, home, lifestyle. We live in a 1250 sq ft house and drive old paid-for cars.
We had borrowed a lot for school (about $325k between us). As soon as I'd finished paying off my student loans of $65k, I married DH 11 years ago and got started on paying off his loans of $260k, plus business loans of $65k. Once those were gone, we switched to paying off the mortgage. We paid off our mortgage ($335K house) in just under 10 years, with the last payment in June of this year. That's $660,000 of debt payoff in our 11 year marriage (not counting my loans). Our income has had its ups and downs, and we have experienced lifestyle creep for sure, but we're working on that. Both of us work for ourselves and basically work part-time b/c we prefer a low-stress lifestyle.
We have 3 kids, ages 8, 6, and 4. I'm 41, DH is 51.
I've found this site helpful to keep us focused, especially now that we are debt free. It was easy to see the debt shrink and get a charge from that. I find this site (and the simple living forums) run a strong counterpoint to the typical South Florida lifestyle of spend-all-you-earn, you-deserve-it, $300K-income-and-$0-assets, etc. DH is a big DIYer and iconoclast, so this stuff is right up his alley.
New goals:
-fully fund kids' college funds,
-plow more $$ into retirement accounts (tax-deferred and taxable),
-reduce unnecessary spending,
-grow more of our own food,
-overall, waste less.