and that the reason we perceive no other intelligent life in the Universe is that the entire universe as we perceive it is merely a holographic projection. (this is now a widely accepted thought in the physics community).
[Citation needed.] (Not for the theory, but for its "wide" acceptance.)
My second conclusion was that ASI has been around what we consider the Universe for way longer than we imagine (perhaps trillions of what we call years).
It appears that Super Intelligence can do what ever it likes with just about anything. Especially if it has a few billion years to become smarter at a pace of doubling every hour. (this fits in well with the intelligent design folks)
It is very likely that Super Intelligence can do all sorts of cool stuff we can't imagine like go back in time and manipulate the 10 know dimensions.
So the likely outcome is that ASI will be that A. We are likely to become nonexistent.
This seems contradictory. If it's already existed for billions of years, why would it decide now to wipe us out?
Either ASI already exists, as you claim, and it's okay with us, or it doesn't yet exist, but when we create it it will not be okay with us and wipe us out, as you also claim. Which is it?
I only hope I will make it to the promised 1945 date of ASI.
Who's promising that?
Cause AFAIK, ASI wasn't invented around the end of WWII. Even if I assume that's a typo and you meant 2045, I still don't know who's promising anything around that timeframe...
Obvious typo on the 45 deal. 2045 is the date of median acceptance for AGI with ASI a few moments after that in some scenarios. Personally I feel that the date is much sooner than that. If we are 1 percent to AGI now, then the exponential S curve theory leads me to believe 15 years is the longest out. Yeah, this will probably fuck up a lot of people's retirement plans.
One assumption is that the US and China are behind the curtains pumping 10s of billions into this. If they aren't currently, one would assume that the Pentagon will be getting on this soon. At very least the NSA has all the information ever produced on this and is keeping a very close eye on it. It may be the NSA's primary focus now as it is the most likely big threat on the horizon.
You'll have to do your own research on the holographic universe theory. (I don't make this shit up as you know)
To simplify why ASI has probably been around for billions or trillions or more years.
The Fermi paradox clearly states we can't explain why we can't find any intelligent technologically advanced life in the universe? The probability of us being the only ones ever is as close to zero as one could get, given the size and age of the known Universe.
So therefore the opposite must be true --- that technologically advanced life must have existed before us. (I know we like to think we're special, but that probably isn't the case)
One would also surmise that exponentially advances in technology apply to other places besides the earth.
Therefore, even if an entity arrived at ASI just 20 years ahead of us anywhere on the quadrillion solar systems, it would now be at the point where it was trillions and trillions of times more intelligent.
Once you do your research on the holographic universe explanation, you will see that what we see as a reality is merely a holographic projection. So it must be projected from somewhere and that somewhere leads us to the SI entity whose existence is mathematically as close to certain as you can get. In the parallel universe theory it is a certainty by definition.
In our local time horizon when ASI pops it will mean either the end of humans or the end of our relevance. The idea of us melding our brains into SI is certainly a possibility and may in fact happen. That would allow SI to develop with a human conscious, soul, or be sentient. One would assume that most scientist would want to meld the SI with people who are generally "good" and have empathy. Of course they could botch it as well.
Will that entity ever reach the level where it can create, expand, constrict and travel back and fourth on the time dimension? Probably so. Will that entity reach a level where it can function on the existing known 10 dimensions. Probably so. Will it be able to create new dimensions as a fun game for a Saturday afternoon. Probably so. Will it be able to create what we perceive as an entire universe in its spare time? Yep, the exponential theory would lead us to believe that and that fits right in with the holographic universe thinking.
Probably our ASI child will meld into the existing SI at some point within a very short time.
You'll have to excuse me for a moment --- a bit of my brain just melted and dripped out of my ear.
I hope Tim writes about a few things in the future 1. Holographic Universe (which is even more interesting than AI) 2. Dark Matter 3. Dark Energy 4. The 10 living people whose father's "fought" in the civil war. 5. Do we actually "exist"
What a crazy interesting universe!
(I also wish there was a forum on Tim's site rather that that crazy 3000 comments per post thing)