I feel obligated to check in here as another person who will split transactions among multiple cards occasionally.
Right now for example, I've got one debit card that I got from filling out some online surveys - the balance started as $100. And another that is $25 for a rebate from some auto store. And some grocery store gift cards I bought because it was $40 to buy a $50 gift card. I'm one of those people that will swipe a card to use up a $3 remaining balance on it so I can throw it out, then swipe a second card to use up a $10 remaining balance, and do a third swipe using the store gift card. It's got nothing to do with maxing out credit cards or being unable to pay bills. It's just decluttering.
Also - I used to be on WIC coupons, which is similar to EBT. I may have posted about this before, but I see it's time to post it again. My situation was I was in the army reserves (as an intel analyst) while going to grad school and raising a toddler. I wasn't bad with money or stupid, I was investing in my future career. And sometimes I would use my WIC coupons while buying cigarettes in the same transaction.
I don't smoke; I never have. But the woman who volunteered to watch my kid for free on the weekends when I had reserve drills - when day care centers were closed - smoked, but didn't drive. So I would pick up cigarettes for her as a thank you. Or sometimes I would buy her some beer.
It's so infuriating and humiliating to have people behind you in line making comments or glaring when you have purchases like that, and feel like you either have to justify your entire life to them, or have them use you to reinforce their negative stereotypes about public assistance ... or feel like you have to make multiple trips to the store just to avoid that shit, when you can't really afford the time or gas to do multiple trips. Ugh.
So in the same way that we know that people make ridiculous assumptions about us (you bike - you must be poor!), I'm hoping people here can understand that we are equally susceptible to making bad assumptions about others. (You can't afford to feed your child but somehow you can afford to smoke - you must be the worst parent ever!). If we're on this forum, it's likely we have a backstory that people around us don't see - probably related to our retirement accounts. Other people have invisible backstories too.