Author Topic: Politcal/Moral/Environmentalist Discussion Threads :-)  (Read 2881 times)


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Politcal/Moral/Environmentalist Discussion Threads :-)
« on: August 03, 2012, 10:58:50 AM »
I just want to say that I am having fun with the various off topic discussion that are going on around here, and love the different viewpoints and positions. 

I know that some beleive this forum should be dedicated to FIRE topics and that we who are participating in these other discussions should take it elsewhere, but they happen because these other topics are at least tangentially related and in some cases directly related, especially when approached as an individual. 

Sure there are comments and positions that make me thing are you off your F'in rocker, but I read them and think about them.

Very fun.  Let's keep it up and value everyone's input.


  • Bristles
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Re: Politcal/Moral/Environmentalist Discussion Threads :-)
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 01:28:32 PM »
I just want to say that I am having fun with the various off topic discussion that are going on around here, and love the different viewpoints and positions. 

Right on. Same here.

I know that some beleive this forum should be dedicated to FIRE topics and that we who are participating in these other discussions should take it elsewhere.

If we've got to take these things in to consideration when making FIRE descisions, these are FIRE topics. If people want to abstract financial concerns from moral, political, and environmental concerns, then they can simply ignore those threads. The fact of the matter is, there are people and will be people who are concerned with how their financial decisions are related to these other areas, and so they'll want to discuss this with others to figure out something sensible that works for them. Point being, they're getting help with FIRE related matters. In the end, is that really any different than someone who has a question about, say, investing in bonds, or who is trying to figure out how to reduce their high food budget?


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Re: Politcal/Moral/Environmentalist Discussion Threads :-)
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2012, 06:28:32 AM »
There are probably more out here doing as I am: not participating in the discussion, but reading bits and pieces, saying "I must give this a full reading, and some research when I get the chance".   Philosophy textbooks are abstract.  Having established models tried on for size against a more current, more applied train of thought, is more engaging.  For me, anyhow.

Seems that this MMM site is different things to different people: An idea mine for those short on cash; A support group for congenital misers; A simple guide for people with some money to invest; A source of small sensible life-hacks; A communal workbench for developing tools for a workable sustainable society. 
An delightful variety, don't you think?