Author Topic: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?  (Read 24556 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #50 on: January 01, 2015, 03:38:12 PM »
I mentioned upthread about how I only give to those who have clearly and unambiguously hit rock bottom.

But here's why I never give to anyone panhandling, especially at a freeway on-/offramp: I've seen the kind of trash they leave, which is not visible to motorists.

In the last town I lived in, 10-20 years ago, the usual begging spot was on the street leading out of the local mall and onto a major arterial street. There was a McDonald's just above that corner, and the drainage ditch below it was always clotted with full McDonald's bags. People who wanted to help would drive through McD's, pick up a bag of food, hand it to whoever was out begging, and most of the time it would end up tossed in the ditch, unopened.

In my current city, I noticed a few years back that there was a lot of litter around one onramp I used all the time. Some friends and I occasionally pitched in on trash cleanup projects, so one quiet Sunday morning I took a little reconnaissance trip down the onramp to see just how much trash was down there, and how many people we'd need.

What I found was lots of full water bottles (handed out by motorists), and even more empty malt liquor cans and plastic pints of vodka (definitely not handed out by motorists). I found untouched bags of food--both fast food and groceries. I found bags of toiletries and food put together by people who wanted to help, which only ended up discarded. I found countless empty cigarette packs and cigarette butts, quite a few tiny, empty zip-lock bags, and a few used syringes. Oh, and piles of human shit, and the reek of urine (on top of stale malt liquor and rotting food). There were filthy mattresses pulled up into the bushes, and areas of bare dirt where people obviously hung out, and several box-flap signs already there for the choosing.

Not to mention I also found a couple of guys who were camped under the adjacent overpass, one of whom I was used to seeing on the onramp, cardboard sign in hand, looking appropriately humble and downcast. They were not at all happy at the idea that a bunch of respectable citizens might want to come clean up their campsite. It was, in one guy's words, "none of your fucking business what we do here, so get the fuck out."

Well, okay then.

We never ended up cleaning the site because before long there were more full-time campers on the slope below the onramp, just out of sight of motorists, and it was potentially too dangerous.

When I'm on that onramp, and the metered stop is on, and I have time to safely look off to the side, into the bushes, there's always at least 3 or 4 people hanging out, drinking and smoking, while one guy is out begging. You don't have to look too hard to see them anymore (as they've trampled all the vegetation down to bare dirt), but you do have to look.

Oh, and then there was this morning's early-riser, first beggar of the new year, who was slugging Steel Can Reserve malt liquor at 7:30 AM while waiting for the next wave of cars to come up the offramp and stop at the red light. From my high-and-mighty perch on a Metro bus, I could see him drink, and also the scatter of empty cans flung into the bushes, out of sight of motorists.

I donate to the food bank. I support other organizations that help people in need get back on their feet. But I don't fund active substance abuse, and the filth and destruction that goes with it, and feel no guilt at all when I pass someone with a cardboard sign and a forlorn expression. There are resources available if they are in genuine need, but they've chosen otherwise.


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2015, 08:08:04 AM »
Day to day I rarely pass beggars.  They're mainly at traffic intersections.  I always give a dollar or so.  I'm not trying to reform them.  It's as much for me as for them - to remind myself to be able to give without judging.  So maybe it's selfish in a way?


  • Bristles
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #52 on: January 02, 2015, 09:51:55 AM »
I give money to rock-bottom hopeless alcoholics, and to people who are obviously mentally ill (to the point of being non-functional). There's a lot of overlap between the two groups.

I could make all kinds of judgments on how they ended up as human wreckage, but at this point they're irrelevant. Some of them--such as one old alkie I see around who wears layers of plastic bags on his head and feet, and whose brain has gone to mush--are pretty much dead people waiting to die. There's also a young woman with untreated schizophrenia who I see on the bus all the time; she's homeless, life on the streets is beating the shit out of her, and in her mind she's not even on this planet most of the time. 

There's no shifting for themselves, pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, getting a job, or cleaning up their act. They don't even have sob stories, or box-flap resumes at that point, and a lot of the time they're even beyond begging--they're just there. They've fallen about as far as humans can go. So at that point? I figure I might as well let them have a few bucks to buy whatever their anaesthetic of choice is.

My answer is very different but I can see your point.   Some are so far gone we may as well let them anesthetize themselves.     

I don't give food or money.   Yes, I'm very very judgmental about it.    I'm not subsidizing addiction, that really isn't helping (unless, as Artemis67 points out, they are beyond help, but I'm not qualified to make that call) 

I can't diagnose or treat mental illness and I have no way of knowing if giving them money is just helping them avoid getting the treatment they need.   

Many are scam artists who don't really need the money (at least not more than I need my money)

There are govt. agencies that should be helping these people.   The govt. should take care of the indigent, mentally ill, and addicts.    I'm not a big fan of private charity.    (Yes, that means more tax money for these programs, and yes, I'm ok with that)


  • Senior Mustachian
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2015, 10:00:51 AM »
No, never money, as a rule.

I might give some food.  I do support places that help the homeless.

I feel that giving a homeless person money is done largely for the benefit of the giver.  The giver gets to feel good for a couple minutes.  The money is not likely going to help the guy on the street at all.  It's going to be blown on drugs or alcohol (or is going into the savings of someone who's running a scam).  It's not going to be spent in an efficient manner to help somebody get back on his/her feet.  It's really kinda wasteful.

The people begging at off ramps really annoy me, as they run across traffic and convince motorists to stop and hand over change . . . forcing everyone to miss the green light.  What's the sum total of 50 idling cars at the missed light worth?  Gotta be more than the 70 cents change that forced them all to stop.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 10:04:26 AM by GuitarStv »


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #54 on: January 02, 2015, 10:08:44 AM »
I mentioned upthread about how I only give to those who have clearly and unambiguously hit rock bottom.

But here's why I never give to anyone panhandling, especially at a freeway on-/offramp: I've seen the kind of trash they leave, which is not visible to motorists.

In the last town I lived in, 10-20 years ago, the usual begging spot was on the street leading out of the local mall and onto a major arterial street. There was a McDonald's just above that corner, and the drainage ditch below it was always clotted with full McDonald's bags. People who wanted to help would drive through McD's, pick up a bag of food, hand it to whoever was out begging, and most of the time it would end up tossed in the ditch, unopened.

In my current city, I noticed a few years back that there was a lot of litter around one onramp I used all the time. Some friends and I occasionally pitched in on trash cleanup projects, so one quiet Sunday morning I took a little reconnaissance trip down the onramp to see just how much trash was down there, and how many people we'd need.

What I found was lots of full water bottles (handed out by motorists), and even more empty malt liquor cans and plastic pints of vodka (definitely not handed out by motorists). I found untouched bags of food--both fast food and groceries. I found bags of toiletries and food put together by people who wanted to help, which only ended up discarded. I found countless empty cigarette packs and cigarette butts, quite a few tiny, empty zip-lock bags, and a few used syringes. Oh, and piles of human shit, and the reek of urine (on top of stale malt liquor and rotting food). There were filthy mattresses pulled up into the bushes, and areas of bare dirt where people obviously hung out, and several box-flap signs already there for the choosing.

Not to mention I also found a couple of guys who were camped under the adjacent overpass, one of whom I was used to seeing on the onramp, cardboard sign in hand, looking appropriately humble and downcast. They were not at all happy at the idea that a bunch of respectable citizens might want to come clean up their campsite. It was, in one guy's words, "none of your fucking business what we do here, so get the fuck out."

Well, okay then.

We never ended up cleaning the site because before long there were more full-time campers on the slope below the onramp, just out of sight of motorists, and it was potentially too dangerous.

When I'm on that onramp, and the metered stop is on, and I have time to safely look off to the side, into the bushes, there's always at least 3 or 4 people hanging out, drinking and smoking, while one guy is out begging. You don't have to look too hard to see them anymore (as they've trampled all the vegetation down to bare dirt), but you do have to look.

Oh, and then there was this morning's early-riser, first beggar of the new year, who was slugging Steel Can Reserve malt liquor at 7:30 AM while waiting for the next wave of cars to come up the offramp and stop at the red light. From my high-and-mighty perch on a Metro bus, I could see him drink, and also the scatter of empty cans flung into the bushes, out of sight of motorists.

I donate to the food bank. I support other organizations that help people in need get back on their feet. But I don't fund active substance abuse, and the filth and destruction that goes with it, and feel no guilt at all when I pass someone with a cardboard sign and a forlorn expression. There are resources available if they are in genuine need, but they've chosen otherwise.

That's fucking hard to read... ouch.  Quite a gut punch.  That must have been a horrible experience.


  • Bristles
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #55 on: January 04, 2015, 09:04:35 AM »
I keep Cliff Bars in My car. I give them away two at a time when someone is on the road. I've wanted to add bus tickets to this giving but have been stuck on the idea that not every person needs a bus ticket, so it doesn't work very efficiently. I guess the next best thing is keep bus tickets on hand to give out but then I'm concerned they'll expire before being given as I only give maybe once a month. I like the goodie bags ideas.

All that said, I have been obviously ripped off by various panhandlers. I bought a drink for a guy instead of cash and he grabbed it from me and walked off without so much as a thank you. One guy asked for food. And we gave our leftovers. He follows up that he still needs a bus ticket, and we gave. Him one of those too. He looked put out, like now he had all this shit he didn't need when all he'd wanted was cash. He at least kept it and thanked us before walking away. A man and a woman walk up to me in the parking lot asking for money for food. I say I'll go in the grocery store and get them a loaf of bread (I meant to also say PB and Jelly but) he then cuts in and says that won't be good enough to feed him, his wife, and all their (not physically there) children. 1) someone offered help and you told them it wasn't good enough 2) kids are a government meal ticket, why the hell are you begging for food? I told him if my grocery trip wasn't good enough. Then I had nothing for him and walked away.

Sad thing is, I have more stories of asshole panhandlers than I have honest to goodness ill or kind people down on their luck.

I don't want to stop giving, but I don't give cash, that's my hard and fast rule.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2015, 10:19:48 PM »
I don't give cash, but I do give food. Sure, there are some beggars who are assholes. Like the dude I gave my lunch to and saw in my rear view mirror as he dumped it in the trash.

But then, there are the moms who stand out in the freezing cold to feed their kids. Like the lady I gave food to today. It was my turn to bring snacks to my bible study group this afternoon, so I had all kinds of raw veggies, homemade dips, chips, cheese, crackers and other food in my trunk. At the stoplight I saw her, rolled down my window and I asked her if she wanted food. She thanked me, said yes, and then told me about her kids.

She was very, very grateful, said thank you over and over as I handed the very full bag to her. She could have been totally acting and putting on a show. But, I choose to believe otherwise.

We donate cash to various charities (including our church, a cancer charity and a mental health charity), we volunteer our time, and we donate household goods/furniture to a local battered women's shelter. I choose to believe the best of people until they give me a reason not to.

Besides, the reason I do it in the first place isn't to get a pat on the back from somebody or because I think the recipient owes me anything. I give the gift with no strings. I'm not keeping score.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2015, 10:28:51 PM »
There is an Arab/Muslim saying: Every dollar you give away to charity will come back to you ten-fold.

I've never seen quite an ROI like that on an investment, but I'm currently sitting in a heated apartment with a warm blanket over me, talking to strangers hundreds of miles away through a magic metal box. God's been good so far.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2015, 10:35:20 PM »
There is an Arab/Muslim saying: Every dollar you give away to charity will come back to you ten-fold.

I've never seen quite an ROI like that on an investment, but I'm currently sitting in a heated apartment with a warm blanket over me, talking to strangers hundreds of miles away through a magic metal box. God's been good so far.

Loved this.


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #59 on: February 28, 2015, 07:15:42 PM »
We keep MREs or peanut butter sandwiches in the car to give to homeless people. In Dallas they are always at a few locations, so if we are headed by that area we stock up.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #60 on: February 28, 2015, 07:29:01 PM »
I have occasionally fed panhandlers/beggars. The times I have they have been obviously somewhere between hungry and starving, and I've only given either food I had or bought them food. I'd had some interesting stories and sales pitches that I turned down though. Regardless, the ones who to me at least seem to be obviously starving have graciously accepted what I've offered.

As for giving regularly to individuals I don't know or any other charity, no thanks. The government already steals a large portion of time time/money so I generally won't give a penny voluntarily as too much already goes to welfare for big businesses and government employees.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #61 on: February 28, 2015, 09:13:45 PM »
I have done in the past, but I really don't anymore.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #62 on: February 28, 2015, 09:44:46 PM »
Panhandlers, no. 

I will give to buskers though.  Especially if they're playing guitar or something.

Other than that, my money will be put to much better use by giving to the mission rather than to panhandlers (more often than not they're scammers around here).


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #63 on: February 28, 2015, 09:45:34 PM »
At my old career, I worked across the street from a major (and super awesome) grocery store that almost always has panhandlers at every exit.  I can't recall ever giving money, but I still vividly remember a few years ago a guy asking me for some change to buy a hot dog as I had my bags of groceries and waiting for the crosswalk to get back into my building.  I told him I didn't (which was the truth) but I had a bundle of bananas and would he like a banana instead.  He said, yes, that would be wonderful and I happily gave him one.  He was grateful too.  I prefer to give food or have done blessings bags through my moms group too.  I can't think of a time I have every given money though.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #64 on: February 28, 2015, 09:58:04 PM »
My office is in a strange area.  A mix of residential and offices (primarily law) near the courthouse but also just a block from the 99 cent store a fast food restaurant.  There is a very large homeless population living in the area.  I'm not one to give money to anyone.  But since there is no recycling where I live I do end up with a lot of aluminum cans that I am loathe to throw in the trash.  Nor do I want to bring them to Target or a grocery store that has recycling because why should I give them money.  So what I do is put them in a bag in the alley behind our building every couple of weeks or so.  I've seen them gone in a number of minutes.  They are always gone by the end of the day.  So I guess you could say I'm giving to the homeless in a roundabout fashion.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2015, 10:12:33 PM »
About 15 years ago my dad and I were on our way to clean up one of his rental houses to prepare it for new tenants and we saw some guys with signs saying something to the effect of "looking for work". My dad stopped and told them he'd pay them $10/hour to help with the yardwork. They accepted, worked for exactly one hour, collected their $10 each, and went back to the street corner to continue begging. I presume they were making more money asking for handouts.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #66 on: March 01, 2015, 08:03:34 AM »
I don't. There are a few reasons:
  • I almost never have any cash with me.
  • I'm a small female and I'm afraid they might be crazy or violent.
  • I sometimes notice that a panhandler will let several pedestrians go by, then see me and immediately approach to harass me. I find this infuriating. It's as if they're saying to themselves, "small," check, "lady," check, "neat haircut and clothes," check:  conclusion, "pushover and people-pleaser, I'll work on that one!" It's not just panhandlers, either; it's also the Greenpeace and Doctors Without Borders hipsters with their clipboards. If I see anyone target me specifically, they get a death stare and nothing else.

I feel your pain! It is infuriating...  the stereotyping of small women as pushovers or weaklings or gullible or something. I usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt and think, 'They do this because I appear approachable.' Still, I hurts when you see them (panhandlers, political activists, street vendors. etc) pass up so many others and target you.

The reverse is also true: I do not want to judge people based on their appearance, so I do NOT give money on the streets. I lot of people here have said they give to some but not others... based on what? their appearance? what they were told in a short interaction? Are women with babies more honest than men? How do you know the male panhandlers are not also taking care of a kid? What EXACTLY does a druggie look like, given the amount of upper-class drug abuse? What if that drug addict is also a veteran?

Social issues are too complicated for on-the-spot judgement. This is why LOCALLY active charities are so important. That being said, I have no problem giving people food.. although I am hardly walking the streets with food in hand, so it doesn't really come up.

I would rather be charitable to local organizations that will reach out to people in a meaningful way - shelters, job training, counseling & rehab, food pantries.


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #67 on: March 01, 2015, 08:13:41 AM »
I have a personal policy to always give a dollar or two to beggars.  It's an important ongoing reminder to myself to be able to give without judging.  "There but for the grace of god go I" think I. 


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #68 on: March 01, 2015, 04:25:14 PM »

I would rather pay triple the amount in taxes than see my dollars be spent on booze or drugs.


  • Bristles
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #69 on: March 01, 2015, 04:35:07 PM »
If I have a toonie handy, I always give it out. That said, I very rarely have cash at hand anymore, and I won't pull out my wallet on the street. (On rare occasion I've walked well past the person, pulled out my wallet, gotten out cash, put away my wallet, and walked back to give it to them.)

If I give, I always give cash. It's not my place to dictate how they spend what little they have by buying particular food (that perhaps they can't eat), etc. And yeah, probably a fair bit gets spent on drugs and alcohol, but shit, man, if I were homeless I'd want to be high as a kite so I could stop thinking about being homeless for a few hours. If that's what my toonie helps get them, I'm fine with it.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #70 on: March 01, 2015, 07:58:56 PM »
 Yes, I give money to the homeless, sometimes a few bucks, sometimes 20-40 bucks at a time. I do not encounter them often as I live/work in wealthy suburban sprawl areas.  We are way wealthier than we ever dreamed we would be and I am a firm believer in random acts of kindness.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #71 on: March 01, 2015, 08:01:02 PM »
Same, I offered one homeless guy an apple i had just bought, and he scoffed at me and asked "how about a slice of pizza"?

Guess beggars can try to be choosers.

We have a regular at the train station who I've given food and transit tickets to. I offered an apple once but he declined - no teeth.


  • Senior Mustachian
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #72 on: March 01, 2015, 09:35:06 PM »
Generally no.

But many years back my mom was visiting, and my husband, my 3 year old son, and I took her to the beach and we had a picnic dinner/ BBQ.

As we were leaving, a couple asked us if we had any leftover food.

I gave her a 1/2 a large bag of tortilla chips, which is what we had.  I guess I didn't want to lose my tupperware with the noodles?  Don't remember.

My mom really wasn't used to seeing homeless (they don't really exist in our small town, too cold in the winters).  So she was surprised that the couple was homeless.

But to me, they seemed about middle-aged and as if they'd just recently fallen on hard times.  They could have been scamming me, but  my spidey sense told me they weren't.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #73 on: March 02, 2015, 06:55:11 AM »
I had sworn them off forever --too many instances of seeing them take money right to the convenience store for booze. We also have folks who aren't really homeless (I think) but who corner you in our Costco parking lot when you're loading your car, very annoying. Most brazen was two young women who drove up to me in their Suburban while eating Chipotle takeout and saying they needed money for gas.

But our son's Cub Scout troop put together socks stuffed with toiletries and food. It's part of some national program. So now we keep those in the car.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #74 on: March 02, 2015, 08:43:37 AM »
I pass a lot of homeless walking to the train station from work. I don't give cash. If I have food on me for some reason, I'll give it someone. I'll smile at people, say hi in passing.

There's one guy I won't give anything - he's nasty. There's another guy who's very polite, and I've given him some food in the past.

I don't want to add to a problem with drugs or alcohol, so that's why I don't give cash. I can't tell when that's an issue, so it's my general rule.


  • Stubble
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #75 on: March 03, 2015, 04:21:30 AM »
Just yesterday I bought a pastie (kind of a meat filled pastry) and gave it to a homeless guy I passed on the way home - honestly, it's freezing here and he was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and shaking from the cold, so I went into a bakery and made sure they gave me a hot pastie.  I never give money but occasionally will give food - and once a pair of gloves - mostly for the good of my soul.  I figure I'm very lucky to be healthy, addiction free, in a job and have a warm home.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #76 on: March 03, 2015, 06:26:10 AM »
I have given to some homeless, who are legitimately homeless and not asking for money. I don't think I have ever given money to someone asking for money on the street. I would consider them a peddler and not homeless. If I see someone sleeping under a bridge for a couple months, I would consider them homeless.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #77 on: March 03, 2015, 06:52:03 AM »
I see very few homeless people that look like they are having a good time. Even in Canada with universal medical care we do a shitty job dealing with mental health issues, hardcore drug abuse and poverty. Combine the 3 and you are well and truly screwed here.

If I have some spare change I will frequently give money to homeless people and I always say hi and acknowledge them if they talk to me. I'd much rather help them out by paying more taxes and having more services available to them. Actually better yet by Canada not spending billions on fighter jets we don't need and instead providing better services to marginalized folks.

I've done well in Canada, served in the military, received a solid education, kept myself debt free and surfed our decent economy to a level of financial security very few of my fellow citizens have. A bunch of that was stuff I chose to do so I'll give myself a little pat on the back.

Having said that I don't for a second fool myself into thinking I'm where I am simply because of my own merits.

If I had been born to poor uneducated parents, lived in a rough neighbourhood and gotten in trouble with the law young, had serious mental or physical disease or been wrapped up in drugs...I could be one of those homeless people I pass on the street.

I'm not out to save the world single handedly, but I try to be compassionate towards others I meet who didn't have my many blessings in life.

-- Vik


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #78 on: March 04, 2015, 04:51:16 PM »
I would occasionally give a little to the guy outside the Metra in downtown Chicago.

Happy Wednesday!

Was always in good spirits during the rush hours, but I'd sometimes see him mid-day and he def looked like he was missing a few marbles.  Had a cell phone, though.  Thanks, Obama.


  • Bristles
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #79 on: March 04, 2015, 10:44:49 PM »
I wish they would bring back the mental institutions.
These people need help,and trying to do it themselves, isn't working.
It would keep them, and the public in general, safer.

Funny story:
My son and his friend are in their mid 20s. The both play in a rock band.
The friend looks the part..he is slight build, dreadlocks, and dresses the part.
Friend works in a restaurant, as a dishwasher, and was sitting outside having a smoke break.
A stranger walks by and says to him "get a job!."

Another time, the friend was going home by bus to visit his family.
He didn't have a suitcase, so his clothes were in a black garbage bag.
He was sitting, and had his Tim Horton's coffee, which was half gone. It was sitting on the ground beside him.
Someone walks by and tosses a coin into his coffee.....'what the hell' he says."that's my coffee".

He laughs about it..


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #80 on: March 05, 2015, 12:44:52 AM »
I often have extra bottled water in my truck and I will hand one out to the 'homeless' guys at offramps with signs. I have never been turned down and they have always appeared genuinely thankful.
I do the same, but with an extra granola bar that I tend to keep in my car. No one has ever turned it down.

Some people want help, some don't. In all walks of life, some people are nice, some are dicks.

I''m happy to help those who need it and want to accept assistance.

Like many others posting, I tend to offer food, not money. Once I offered an orange to someone camped outside of a Subway. They declined, specifically asking for Subway money instead, which I did not have. Was I surprised? Sure. Did this rub me the wrong way? Yes, and I still have trouble understanding why, since they wanted food. Regardless, that experience doesn't stop me from approaching the next person.

I sometimes give money. I don't see various organizations and institutions as an either/or alternative to giving someone money directly. It's another option. You can choose to do one, both, or neither. I have a relative with mental health issues who spends a lot of time on the street. I've seen from his experience, the services out there are not sufficient, and it's not just money they are lacking.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #81 on: March 05, 2015, 01:42:49 AM »
I wish they would bring back the mental institutions.
These people need help,and trying to do it themselves, isn't working.
It would keep them, and the public in general, safer.

This reminds me of a guest article in a German newspaper by a young man diagnosed with schizophrenia. He drifted through middle and southern Europe for several years before a Spanish institution took him in against his will (with the approval of a judge of course). He expressed gratitude toward the doctor who finally gave a damn and did not respect his (not so free) will not to be treated and medicated. Today he has a home and a job.

While we should not go back to the 50ies and lock everybody up who does not conform to society's expectations it seems worth having a look whether we have taken things to far in the other direction and are allowing mentally ill people to suffer continuously because they are not well enough to realize they need treatment.

Dr. Pepper

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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #82 on: March 05, 2015, 03:04:06 PM »
I feel really bad for them, but I won't give money, simply because I have no idea if they will use it to harm themselves (drugs, booze, etc.) at which point I would be enabling their self-destruction. I have on occasion given food, if I'm buying a sandwich I'll get an extra and give it to them.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #83 on: March 06, 2015, 01:17:40 AM »
I never give, because the beggars are put there by criminal gangs that kidnap old people and young children, chop their limbs off and otherwise mutilate them in horrible ways, and put them on the street to collect cash. The gangs take all the cash. Once these beggars die of exposure, they are replaced with others. Giving them money literally does nothing to help, and only causes lots of suffering.

I currently live in China, where virtually all beggars are in such circumstances. The police do nothing, and may even be bribed by the gangs.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #84 on: March 06, 2015, 11:03:48 AM »
I could make all kinds of judgments on how they ended up as human wreckage, but at this point they're irrelevant. Some of them--such as one old alkie I see around who wears layers of plastic bags on his head and feet, and whose brain has gone to mush--are pretty much dead people waiting to die. There's also a young woman with untreated schizophrenia who I see on the bus all the time; she's homeless, life on the streets is beating the shit out of her, and in her mind she's not even on this planet most of the time. 

I'm with you.  I think it's my responsibility to help people if I can, not judge them.  The reasons people are down and out aren't my responsibility to work out; it's my job to help if I can.

I'm far from a Christian, but I have always loved the line "whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me".  Not "whatever you do for the people you think are poor for a good reason" or "whatever you do for people who are legitimately poor" or "whatever you do for people that you know will make good decisions with what you do for them".  I always have a quarter or two that can be shared.

Rika Non

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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #85 on: March 06, 2015, 12:23:22 PM »
In general I am actually very non-charitable.  And as a stance I would say I am against the concept of "charity".
But I do give annual donations to the local homeless shelter (and do volunteer sometimes). 

I will never give to pan-handlers at street corners, and especially never to child beggars (that's usually over-seas).
But I do give cash to obvious homeless every now and again, just not to the ones asking.


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #86 on: March 06, 2015, 12:42:21 PM »
Not usually, for a variety of reasons. Mostly, I feel that if I have extra to give, I should give it to needy family members.  However, one particular very needy close family member is an alcoholic, and giving more just encourages more consumption. Why should strangers get more of a benefit of the doubt than her? From what I can tell, the majority of them are hopped up on something, so I wouldn't feel like I was helping at all.  Then there's another one that just doesn't want to support herself to the point that family has turned away in disgust.  Do I give strangers more of a benefit of the doubt?  Do I give my hard earned money to the family member instead, even though she refuses to give more than a mild effort to work herself?

I really don't know what is best, as I was raised to share.  I vote accordingly, and I do feel like government is in a better position to judge these things than I am on the street. I definitely agree that mental health institutions need to come back to help.


  • Bristles
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #87 on: March 06, 2015, 12:57:19 PM »
I have a personal policy to always give a dollar or two to beggars.  It's an important ongoing reminder to myself to be able to give without judging.  "There but for the grace of god go I" think I.

I may take up this policy. 

Florida summers are brutal on the homeless and you'll often find them in the semi-shaded off-ramps of the interstate.  I keep a spare dozen bottles of water in the car.  (The $2.99 Walgreens special)  I pass one out the window to panhandlers since I generally don't have cash.  Two bottles if they've got a dog - with explicit instructions that the second bottle is for the pup. :-)


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #88 on: March 07, 2015, 04:03:27 PM »
There are plenty of scammers out there, but I don't think the scammers also fake being mentally ill. Some might, but rare.

That being said, I will usually give a bit to the ones that are blatantly mentally ill. Especially those that don't ask and you can tell they're struggling.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #89 on: March 07, 2015, 04:08:44 PM »
Hardly ever, because I rarely see that my $5 or $20 would make a real difference in someone's immediate situation.  That said, the vast majority of my husband's and my charitable dollars and volunteer time go to an organization that seeks to help this population.


  • Bristles
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #90 on: March 07, 2015, 07:08:29 PM »
It is especially sad to me to see those mentally ill on the streets. If taken care of in an institution, they would know of no difference. They would only be more comfortable physically, but not in their most important needs. Mankind will never solve some of his problems.


  • Bristles
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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #91 on: March 08, 2015, 04:26:04 PM »
Never. There are a lot in DC and they tend to spend their time in the same general area. It's the same people in the same spots day after day. DC spends a lot on homelessness so there is usually a spot to sleep and a meal available if they want it with a legal right to shelter in freezing weather It's been so bad the last few years that the city actually pays for hotel rooms, which are then theirs for the winter. 


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Re: Poll: Do you give to homeless people on the street? Thoughts?
« Reply #92 on: March 08, 2015, 05:03:02 PM »
I do sometimes, but it's usually to people who aren't asking. The last time, I got into a conversation while I was walking through town collecting recyclable bottles and cans, and encountered a homeless man who was doing the same. He told me that I really should go to the hardware store and get myself a grabber so I could rummage through things without risking getting poked or injured by something. After we talked for a few minutes, I bought him a sandwich at McDonald's.