OP Here, first, thank you for so many insightful responses!
We have about $14K invested with Edward Jones which my wife inherited years ago upon her grandma’s death when it was $4K. She could care less about EJ or ditching them. And She’s a dream wife as far as Mustachianism goes*, and while she did do the sad tuba “Whomp Whomp!” noise once we’d signed off RE: the modeling, and poked at my belly, she also said she suspects the EJ model is crap so just COME HOME already (for good), that my other FIRE models are fine and if not we’ll figure it out and we don’t actually have room to buy anything new anyway, nor the urge.
Intuitively, she thinks having $2M net worth while not actually spending that much means we could go back to our just married years when we tracked every cent and quickly saved $10K for a house down payment. We were insanely happy then, with library books and a Y membership and a free Better Homes and Gardens magazine each month by walking to the real estate agent etc etc. Through my job I’ve brought her to France for work tons of times plus Italy, Edinburgh, Paris, London, Munich, Singapore…so now we’re kind of traveled out, and already are gradually going back to that simplicity. I’m dragging her along on 3 upcoming domestic trips this fall which should thoroughly kill any airport travel-related urges in both of us. We also hate riding in the car, even our brand new fancy one, for more than an hour or so.
Back to EJ and my original question, the modeling difference probably does come down to fees. My intention is to set up a Vanguard direct fund linked to the bank account I started to handle selling of my collectibles and use it to buy VTSAX etc.
From the discussion with EJ guy, I will for sure re-evaluate whether or not I should shift my $1M life policy I spend $1600/year on into long term care insurance or something more useful, I agree with him it’s probably served its purpose and is a waste now.
And make sure my FIRE modeling includes enough for taxes and health care premiums too.
*Dream wife but refuses to read the Simple Path to Wealth or Pathfinders, she says “What-ever, we already know what to do and are already doing it so just COME HOME already it’s very nice out” and “More firings at work, ask the where your package is!” :)”