I disagree.
I don't hire a house cleaner BUT sometimes it is worth it even for MMM folk. Blanket prohibitions rarely pan out unless clearly supported by logic that crosses all scenarios.
For people who make a lot of money per hour and can hire out at 1/10 the net hourly salary it is much more affordable to hire out IF they would otherwise make more money or if it is worth it to them for other reasons.
It is unusual for housecleaning, but sometimes it doesn't make sense to do it yourself all the time.
On the same track, if it is going to take you longer to do a task and you can otherwise bill your time out if your net is less than the cost it might make sense to hire out.
Yeah...here's MMM's take on that:
"It’s because you can’t productively do your graphic design job every day from 7AM until 11PM. If you try, you will burn out after some number of hours, then need to switch to a non-productive activity to recuperate. On the other hand, if you begin a day with pulling some weeds in your own garden, then crank out 7-8 hours of fantastically focused design work, then bike out to pick up your own groceries, and spend the evening cooking your own food, working on your own fitness program, cleaning your own dishes and reading library books and preparing for your next day of work, you have a routine that is free from outsourcing, free from unnecessary costs, yet so healthy and varied that you can do it forever without burning out. In other words, domestic “work” may pay less than your day job when measured by the hour, but after you measure the lifetime personal benefits and the overall savings in after-tax dollars added up over an entire week, you may be pleasantly surprised by the results."
The issue I have with that is the OP has a lot more than just a job as in the example above, she also has kids and classes outside of the job. You can only keep so many balls in the air folks, and full time job + classes + kids = a lot of balls. I think a bunch of people have lost focus on just how busy the OP already is, and what she really wants, no,
needs, is more time (in the short term, anyway). She can't get someone to raise her kids or take her classes for her, but she
can get someone to clean house. There is nothing demeaning about that, it is just the easiest way for her to buy time.
So while we would not hire a cleaning service (because we have enough free time), I totally get why the OP would get one. Walk a mile in her shoes I say before negatively passing judgment on the decision to hire a cleaning service.
MMM was bright enough to make and save a boatload of money first, then retire, then have exactly one kid. The vast majority of us are not in that exact same boat, so his template quite simply isn't going to apply to everyone in exactly the same manner. The rest of us have to take his good ideas and adapt. The OP is already squirreling away much, but in her circumstances, right now, she needs to buy back some sanity. The MMM lifestyle should not be so rigid that it does not accommodate different situations.
When your time is truly precious money becomes less so.