Author Topic: Automatically get the rebates that stores owe you (Would love your feedback)  (Read 1629 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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  • Posts: 5
  • Location: Brooklyn
    • Paribus
Hey guys, have learned a lot from the MMM community, and think I have something to give back. My startup was featured today on Business Insider:

If you have an extra 5 minutes, check out We're building it for people like you. It helps online shoppers automatically get refunds when they overpay for things they've bought online - right from the email inbox.

What do you think? Would love to get your thoughts or feedback.


  • Bristles
  • ***
  • Posts: 273
Looks pretty cool but I wouldn't want to give access to my main email to a 3rd party.
Looks like to make it work with amazon on a separate email I'd have to change my amazon email to that one and give paribus my amazon login?


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