Hahaha, I love the comments!
The current spend rate is based on a backwards look over the last two years, years in which we weren't taking any real measures to economize. Groceries and dining out has cost us $11,000 in the last 12 months. Walking around money, $8000 over the last 12 months. Easy cuts in those two areas alone would save thou$ands. When I showed the numbers to a very skeptical wife, her first comment was, "Well, there won't be any trips to Europe in retirement", which puts a knife into my heart, as I am interested in European art and architecture. Of course, the annual figures for the last two years include 4 trips to Europe during that time. I'd rather eat more meals at home, saving on restaurants, and put the money into real travel.
Unfortunately, my wife is not really on board with the idea, but that is a different thread topic.
Thanks Classical Liberal for introducing me to the "sequence of risk" concept which I guess I "knew", but never knew the term for. Experts might say that we have too much of our portfolio in very safe money market funds. We wouldn't have to touch our equity funds until our 70s, living (and investing) off our money market funds until then. Does that make sense?