September Net Worth Update..years = paid off!!!
Net Worth $437,915
Net Worth - Pension $296,568
My Pension $68,475
Wife's Pension $72,872
Bank $33,000
Home Value (Zillow) $284,000
Annunity $27,338
Gold/Tips $14,500
My 403B $28,516
Legend Group $7,561
Roth IRA $21,198
PayPal $7,800
Life Insurance Policies $8,050
Voya $11,208
Prius wife $5,100
Prius me $4,500
Total Assets: $594,118
Mortgage $156,203
Total Liabilities $156,203
I post an update every month in my journal, but am posting this months here because I've got a bit to celebrate. A little over a year ago my wife purchased 5 years towards retirement for 46k. Anyway, last paycheck, she paid off the remainder of the balance with the State. So, our only debt of any kind is our mortgage from now on, which is pretty cool I think.
I'll probably post an another update here in a month too, because two cool things will be happening (hopefully). First off, October 29 last year was my first time ever doing monthly net worth's the first time that I even knew my net worth. It'll be the first time I'll have data for a full 12 month period, and it'll be fun to see what a year of tracking/saving/being frugal produces. And second, I'm REALLY close to cracking 300k for my net worth not counting the pension, so I'm getting excited about that as well. Fun times:)