One More Year syndrome is the unfortunate tendency for a person on the cusp of retirement to hold out just a bit longer. For that added bit of security, people willingly trade a little bit more of their short lives away. And then they do it again, and again, like a slowly boiling frog, because they can't see when enough is enough.
But since I'm a huge spreadsheet nerd I've been looking at how OMY syndrome affects people of different income brackets, and I've decided that it's much worse for high earners.
If you only make $20k/year and have saved up your nest egg over a 30 year working career, then one more year of your savings contributions is probably dwarfed by the market returns on your investments. It just won't matter much.
If you make $1,000,000/year and have saved up the same sized nest egg over the past eight months, then one more year of your savings contributions will more than double your nest egg regardless of market returns, and thus have a huge impact on your post-retirement lifestyle.
Most of us are somewhere in between, but I think the end-members illustrate the point well. The more money you save every year, and the shorter your saving history, the more beneficial OMY is for you.
I'm currently struggling with this problem. We could probably retire at the end of this year and be just fine, with some modest lifestyle adjustments. But if I work one more year our total nest egg goes up like 20% and I probably don't need to ever make any adjustments, and I could enjoy a much more luxurious retirement. If I work two more years, I can live that life of luxury and fund college educations for all of my descendants forever. If I work three more years I can endow a university fellowship, or build a rural school in Nepal, or save the lives of 1000 children in Africa.
People on this forum like to think they'll be immune to OMY syndrome because they know how much they need survive and they claim they don't see any utility in additional money. I think that's unimaginative BS. MMM says money can't buy happiness, but that's only true if you're talking about your own happiness. It can TOTALLY buy happiness for a lot of people who are less fortunate than you.
My lifestyle wouldn't change, but if I can save the lives of 1000 children by sitting in my cubicle for another 12 months, how many annoying meetings and TPS reports could I suffer through to accomplish that goal? How many homeless drug addicts or abandoned puppies or acid-burned girls can I help for each awkward performance appraisal I endure?
At a high earning job, that fire hose of cash can do a lot of good in the world once your own expenses are met. That's the OMY problem I'm struggling with.