I'm with daverobev. VLS sounds nice for the automatic rebalancing, but has too much home country bias. Cheap global tracker every time for equities.
Yes US stocks have done well for you. How much of that is fundamentals though, or just the fact that US PE ratios are currently way above the international average?
Thanks for your answer @PhilB what do you mean about Fundamentals or US PE ratios?
In a totally rational world, the value of a stock would be the net present value of its expected future dividend stream, appropriately discounted for the perceived risks to that dividend stream. In the real world, people behave irrationally and prices get driven up or down based on far more random things - hence meme stocks, etc.with people just jumping on the bandwagon because they've seen other people make money and so you get a bubble.
By fundamentals I mean the underlying attributes of a company or economy that make it more or less likely that the companies behind those stocks will make good profits and be able to return wealth to shareholders.
The Price Earnings ratio is one of the key tools used by investors in trying to determine if a stock is under or over valued in the market. How many years' worth of profits does the company's share price represent? It's a crude measure, of course, because it doesn't allow for situations where future profits are expected to be very different from historical ones, but it's still a useful indicator. What that indicator is saying is that US stocks are much more expensive, compared to current profitability levels, than international ones. The question is, is that reasonable because the US is 'special' and profits will grow faster there, or does it indicate a bubble in US stock prices?