Author Topic: Best way to sell a vehicle?  (Read 5992 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Best way to sell a vehicle?
« on: May 06, 2023, 10:03:14 AM »
I'm looking to sell my current car and buy something cheaper, which rules out trading it in as far as I can see as I don't want to be roped in to a more expensive car or any kind of finance.

Does anyone have experience of selling a car privately in the UK and know the best and safest way to go about it? Autotrader has various levels of fee based on length of time running an add but this could be good money after bad if it doesn't sell.

Any advice gratefully received.

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Re: Best way to sell a vehicle?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2023, 10:40:39 AM »
Unless the car is not worth very much I’ve sold multiple cars successfully using Autotrader. I have selected the list until sold option to avoid any anxiety if no one is interested in the first couple of weeks. You’re likely to get local dealers contact you too using this method, but if they don’t offer what you’re looking for then that isn’t really a concern.

I’ve approached friends to ask around before I’ve done this, and tried work notice boards too. They are good free options if you get lucky that someone you know needs a car at that moment, and yours fits the bill. I’ve also tried signs in the window if you live somewhere with passers by. Other than that though, Autotrader really gets your car out there for anyone interested to see.


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Re: Best way to sell a vehicle?
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2023, 12:25:27 PM »
You can "trade in" a car without buying a car at the same time. In the US we have CarMax, Carvana, and several other similar options which will give you a quote to buy your car on the spot (price usually good for a week or something). In the UK I see a similar services carwow and Cazoo. There may be others as well. It's worth getting the free quote(s) if for no other reason than to know what the absolute lowest price you should take for the car.

Since you're trying to switch to something cheaper I assume you want to maximize the sale price of your current car (not much point in switching cars to save money if you lose a ton in the process). In that case you're likely going to have to sell private party. Autotrader is probably the best bet here, but you could also try local classifieds or Facebook Marketplace or similar.


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Re: Best way to sell a vehicle?
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2023, 02:57:39 AM »
I think Autotrader is the best place.

Webuyanycar is worth a try, we sold my parents car through them. They value your car online then check everything is ok, before paying out. It's very quick.

We recently sold our 17 year old Ford Mondeo through Facebook marketplace. Whilst it sold quickly, I think every nutter in the area messaged me first. The good thing is that it's free.

Alternatively, you can just walk into your local franchised dealer and ask them if they're interested in buying it. They will make you an offer, if it's a fairly recent car, and it will be an easy and quick sale.

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Re: Best way to sell a vehicle?
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2023, 02:33:14 AM »
I have sold through autotrader a few times and its ok to be honest, keep your price competitive compared to other options and make sure you take plenty of pictures, fresh MOT and make sure its all clean etc... I think a lot of the time appearance sells a lot more than ojective things such as mileage etc..

I sold my 2006 350z for £5600 (my silly pre-MMM car) I think at the time had about 4-5 viewings within the first week or so. I later sold a 2004 Fiat Panda, tried to go through the dealers but they were only offering £150 but I managed to sell it for £900 through Auto Trader, it didnt attract as many buyers to be fair but I listed it at £950 and it was 14 years old when I sold it, think I had 3 viewings and the last one bought it there and then. I sold my wifes Ford KA too, it was in a sorry state but priced it at £600 and we got loads of calls, again that was a 53 plate and around 14 years old when we sold it but it had scratches and poor body works.

I always paid for the unlimited ad so it stays up until you take it down, you can lower the price if you arent getting much interest. Remember to make sure that any people viewing the car and wants to test drive it shows proof of insurance so they can drive your car, I know many insurance policies offer this but good to make sure if you are selling yourself.


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Re: Best way to sell a vehicle?
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2023, 05:18:57 AM »
You should try both Gumtree and Facebook. They could both work for you if Autotrader is proving too expensive.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Best way to sell a vehicle?
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2023, 03:54:36 AM »
I've used autotrader for the last few cars, but also listed on ebay, facebook and gumtree. All cars sold via ebay. Facebook is a nightmare of silly "How much best price m8" questions. Gumtree got no responses, autotrader got nothing, ebay was quiet for weeks then they just sold.

Patience is needed certainly! I thought they would sell within 4 weeks on autotrader, none of them did.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Best way to sell a vehicle?
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2023, 03:24:43 PM »
I have never sold a car, they are always scrap when I am done with them. I have bought cars on eBay from private sellers. I've tended to use autotrader to get cars from dealers. Not sure how useful my datapoint is, but passing it on all the same. I would definitely say do a "we buy any car" quote just to give a benchmark of the lowest possible price you could accept.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Best way to sell a vehicle?
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2023, 12:53:13 AM »
If it's not too late...
I've often part-ex'd through a dealer, you can still do that if your car is worth more than what you're buying - you get cash back.
I've also sold through WeBuyAnyCar - that was pretty easy.
But, I (yesterday) sold my latest car through CarWow - I hadn't realised they'd just buy your car without you buying another - their valuation/quote was better than any other price I could get online.  Booked it in, arranged for them to come and collect and it was that easy.  Guy turned up, looked round it - agreed the quoted price, instant bank transfer of funds before the car had left my driveway.  Super easy.  Just some fees (£179 pickup fee and £49 admin) but as they quoted me £1500 more than WeBuyAnyCar (who have admin fees even for faster payments and you have to go to them).

Recommend that option if you're still looking around.