Author Topic: Saving to $10K  (Read 497384 times)


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1250 on: March 31, 2019, 06:35:33 AM »
I would like to participate, have started a general savings fund with a broker and also reinvested into the 401k that I've been neglecting:

1. Broker: $2,004.04
2. 401k: $1,813.10 (18% contribution rate). I am currently behind on maxing to $19K for 2019 and so am playing catch-up... will need to get contributions up to $1,909/month ($1,530 currently). As of next month I will be contributing 22% to meet goals for the remainder of the year.

Total saved: $3,817.14 (38% towards goal). Starting today I will be updating progress every 2 weeks.

Welcome aboard @ForeverPoor!  Nice job, though with a savings rate like that you won't be in this thread long and you may need to change your user name.  ;)

I'm making an assumption when you say "Broker" that you're talking about an advisor type relationship rather than a low cost brokerage firm like Vanguard or Fidelity or Schwab, where you would house your index funds.  A word about brokers -- You don't need one, especially if they are charging you anything.  You can do it yourself, save those fees and come out WAY ahead.  Check this out: 

If you are new to investing (?) check out the "Bible" a/k/a the J.L.Collins Stock Series:


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1251 on: March 31, 2019, 08:11:01 AM »
Did you charge the fancy helmet on a credit card that offers an extended warranty? If do, it might be worth looking into.

Hmmmm, it was just my normal Capital One card that I get 1.5% back on.  I'll do a little research - good idea!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1252 on: March 31, 2019, 03:10:16 PM »
March Update

So I had a little EF saved from January, but unfortunately it all got spent in February on a new boiler :(

New total for March - £300. Disappointing, but that's life.

I totally get the disappointment, but it's important to remember that without an EF you'd now have credit card debt or a bank loan or a new boiler that's rented/leased/hire purchase or whatever expensive option is available for broke home owners where you live.


  • Stubble
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1253 on: March 31, 2019, 04:51:00 PM »
10/2/18 - $(2742.60)
10/29/18 - $(1899.81)
11/25/18 - $(1660.04)
12/31/18 - $245
3/14/19 - $(5,212)

3/31/19 - $(882.10)

Wahoo! Gained some major ground this month thanks to tax refunds and an extra paycheck. More dips ahead in May with buying out my car lease, but secured a job for the next 6 months with less hours and more pay. But making steady progress in the right direction. EF is fully stocked, now it's time to tackle the car down payment and pay down debt.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1254 on: March 31, 2019, 06:25:52 PM »
Welcome aboard @ForeverPoor!  Nice job, though with a savings rate like that you won't be in this thread long and you may need to change your user name.  ;)

I'm making an assumption when you say "Broker" that you're talking about an advisor type relationship rather than a low cost brokerage firm like Vanguard or Fidelity or Schwab, where you would house your index funds.  A word about brokers -- You don't need one, especially if they are charging you anything.  You can do it yourself, save those fees and come out WAY ahead.  Check this out: 

If you are new to investing (?) check out the "Bible" a/k/a the J.L.Collins Stock Series:

Thanks for the kind words - quite encouraging to see everyone making a concerted effort to be FI. I strive to do the same and hope this is setting myself on the right footing before it's too late (time-wise). What I am using now is depositing about $600-$1000 into a low cost money management fund but not through Vanguard, F or S. I suppose I need to do more research but to be quite honest I am just saving that amount for a rainy day fund.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1255 on: April 01, 2019, 01:32:26 AM »
If it's a rainy day/emergency fund I would not put that in the market at all if I were you. Markets go up and down and events like job loss often happen when the market is down. My EF is in a regular savings account. The interest is low but at least the money is always going to be there.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1256 on: April 01, 2019, 04:54:30 AM »
If it's a rainy day/emergency fund I would not put that in the market at all if I were you. Markets go up and down and events like job loss often happen when the market is down. My EF is in a regular savings account. The interest is low but at least the money is always going to be there.

+1.  For an emergency fund a savings or money market account is a good place.  In the US you can get between 2 and 2.5% now on those


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1257 on: April 01, 2019, 09:36:54 AM »
Net worth:
Jan 2019 $500
Feb 2019 $5,000
Mar 2019 $14,000

Well, that didn't last long. Got a big tax refund and the market was kind too. See everyone in the next thread!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2019, 09:44:29 AM by Optimiser »


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1258 on: April 01, 2019, 09:50:15 AM »
1/1/2018: $(170,956.12)
2/1/2018: $(166,849.63)
3/1/2018: $(161,395.88)
4/1/2018: $(156,590.44)
5/1/2018: $(152,997.61)
6/1/2018: $(149,175.48)
7/1/2018: $(143,748.22)
8/1/2018: $(138,734.38)
9/1/2018: $(135,043.66)
10/1/2018: $(131,441.14)
11/1/2018: $(133,372.50)
12/1/2018: $(128,081.25)
1/1/2019: $(80,750.78)
2/1/2019: $(73,422.02)
3/1/2019: $(60,122.64)
4/1/2019: $(54,342.22)

Congrats @Optimiser!!


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1259 on: April 01, 2019, 12:19:44 PM »
Congrats @Optimiser ! And @mckaylabaloney you're making steady progress too.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1260 on: April 01, 2019, 03:54:11 PM »
Congrats @Optimiser!

And @mckaylabaloney -- You are absolutely killing it!  Wow!


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1261 on: April 01, 2019, 04:16:40 PM »
Thank you! Yeah, it is kind of crazy how quickly it's going now. $54K in the hole is still completely ridiculous, but it feels like nothing compared to where I was at just a couple of years ago. I don't know if that's good or bad, though, haha. At any rate, what I really feel good about is that I've been increasing my assets and not just paying down my debts. It sucks to still have six figures of debt, even having decreased it by almost $70K in the last year and a half (whoa), but I'm glad that I've chosen to max out my tax-advantaged accounts at the same time, so I won't be starting from 0 when that debt is finally gone.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1262 on: April 01, 2019, 06:50:35 PM »
If it's a rainy day/emergency fund I would not put that in the market at all if I were you. Markets go up and down and events like job loss often happen when the market is down. My EF is in a regular savings account. The interest is low but at least the money is always going to be there.

They did have 2 options - 1 is keeping it in a savings type fund with easily access any time conversion back to my checking account, and another general investing account but still with the same access setup. I'll have to read more and decide which direction I want to take this pool in.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1263 on: April 10, 2019, 12:20:55 PM »
Mid-April 2019 Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/30/2018 $(9,800.88)
5/31/2018 $(7,375.85)
6/30/2018 $(5,735.59)
7/31/2018 $(7,109.58)
8/31/2018 $(6,439.93)
9/30/2018 $(2,990.84)
10/31/2018 $(4,180.43)
11/30/2018 $(1,495.30)
12/31/2018 $(1,524.93)
1/31/2019 $1,935.70
2/28/2019 $6,935.41
3/31/2019 $9,917.20
4/10/2019 $10,419.41 +502.21 increase

I get paid on the 15th but my investments grew enough to put me over the $10K mark and I just couldn't wait to post here that I finished the race!!! On to the race to $100K :)

Even though I'm graduating from this race for my net-worth I will be starting a new one for my Emergency Fund and "New" car fund. I'm planning on savings $10k in each account so I'll have dueling races. The EF will be top priority and then the car. I think I can get another 5 years at least on my current 2009 Toyota Yaris so I have no rush on that. 


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1264 on: April 10, 2019, 12:25:54 PM »
Congratulations @haypug16 !!!  Now go light up that next race.  :)



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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1265 on: April 10, 2019, 12:47:22 PM »
Thanks Trifele!!! It's lovely to hit a five digit NW.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1266 on: April 10, 2019, 07:39:42 PM »
Yay!!!  Congrats, @haypug16!  See you (briefly, cause you'll be outta there soon) in the next thread!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1267 on: April 11, 2019, 01:53:41 AM »
Keeping on keeping on...

By my calculations we should hit 10k on Oct 24th. Windfalls or hubby getting some work gigs might bring that forwards.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1268 on: April 12, 2019, 12:35:25 PM »
I don't want to revisit old posts that I made here but going to start a fresh. Maybe one day I will link them but here we go. I am focusing on paying debt more than increasing my income.

Student loan - (26,503.71)
Car Loan - (1325.77)
Credit card debt - 1413.68

Savings - $50
Checking - $110
401K - 18, 323 (Or something like that)

Goals - Pay off car loan and credit card debt by April. Have a $2000 emergency fund by end of June.

I don't think it will be a good money year for me based on expenses I need to budget for
Insurance due in April - $600
New laptop as my nine year lap top has been acting up in terms of the track pad - (1,000)
Registration for CFA level 2 in june - I did not want to take it this year but ($1200 for materials and exam) If I pass my company reimburses which is good.
Lease ends in June - Need to look for another apartment.

I feel like I haven't made much of a dent in terms of debt payment. So focusing way more on that. I want my student loans gone!

Update soon after, but I normally update mid month.

Student loan - (26,503.71)
Credit card debt - 1000 (0% until 2020)

Savings - $400
Checking - $167
401K - 20530.55

Car loan is paid off and that was far more anticlimactic than I expected.

Truly the swahili saying that "Chovya Chovya humaliza buyu la asali" while used as  a word of caution actually works for debt. Paying little by little lessens the balance. Literal translation:constant dipping finishes the pot of honey.

Also a great proverb for wasteful spending too.

Paid of a bunch of things using credit card. Insurance, car expense, vacation and debt has climbed.

Student loan - ($26,281.19)
Credit card debt - 3000 (0% until 2020)

Savings - $1300
Checking - $447
401K - 20530.55


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1269 on: April 12, 2019, 08:18:04 PM »
Thank you! Yeah, it is kind of crazy how quickly it's going now. $54K in the hole is still completely ridiculous, but it feels like nothing compared to where I was at just a couple of years ago. I don't know if that's good or bad, though, haha. At any rate, what I really feel good about is that I've been increasing my assets and not just paying down my debts. It sucks to still have six figures of debt, even having decreased it by almost $70K in the last year and a half (whoa), but I'm glad that I've chosen to max out my tax-advantaged accounts at the same time, so I won't be starting from 0 when that debt is finally gone.
You are a badass!
You too, @haypug16!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1270 on: April 13, 2019, 04:39:06 AM »
Yay @haypug16 !!! Congrats!!

@Yasha we're both still going to be here for a while but look at how far we've come!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1271 on: April 13, 2019, 03:31:45 PM »
Hey All!
Not that long ago I was solidly in this thread, aiming to get up to $10k.
I'm happy to say our investments are approaching $25k, and overall networth is well over $30k.

I haven't always kept the most positive attitude about my financial progress, yet our NW continues to grow.

It is fantastic, and just shows that we should all just keep up the efforts, because it is paying off!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1272 on: April 15, 2019, 08:41:46 AM »
Great Job DieHard! I completely agree. Even when it doesn't seem like things are going as well as I'd like the end results prove that my effort pays off.

I'm restarting this race for my EF and Car Fund. I hope to get my EF to $10K within a year or 2. I don't plan on needing a new car at least for another 5 years so that account will be growing much slower.

Starting Balance
Emergency Fund              Car Fund
4/15/19 - $1,750             $100.07


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1273 on: April 15, 2019, 09:07:57 AM »
Bi-weekly update:

1. Broker: $2,004.04
2. 401k: $1,813.10 (22% contribution rate).

1. Broker 2,043.45 ($2,000 deposited, $43.45 gain)
2. 401k: $2,786.76 ($2,732 contributed, $54.76 gain)

Saved to date: $4,830.21 (48% towards goal).


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1274 on: April 25, 2019, 02:36:32 AM »
Another payday towards the goal. Cracked $4000 today. Two more pays (or maybe one if Mr gets paid for some work he did recently, the paperwork is taking forever) and we’ll be halfway to 10k


  • Stubble
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1275 on: April 25, 2019, 06:10:24 PM »
10/2/18 - $(2742.60)
10/29/18 - $(1899.81)
11/25/18 - $(1660.04)
12/31/18 - $245
3/14/19 - $(5,212)
3/31/19 - $(882.10)

4/25/19 - $(16,545.33)

Ooooouch. Bought out the car lease this month and more than doubled my debt. But that's the final big expense for me until I buy a house in like 15 years (knock on wood), so I feel confident that I'll get it down fast. Here we go, for real this time!


  • Stubble
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1276 on: April 26, 2019, 11:00:08 AM »
Another payday towards the goal. Cracked $4000 today. Two more pays (or maybe one if Mr gets paid for some work he did recently, the paperwork is taking forever) and we’ll be halfway to 10k

Hey Yasha, Team 4k here :-D Congrats, I now too stand over €4,000, at €4,150 to be precise.
That is 11,650 in my portfolio and cash, 1,800 value of the car, and approx. €9,300 in debt.
This debt is composed of €1,910 student loan at 1% interest, €6,160 student loan/consolidation loan at 3.3% and an unusually high credit card balance of €1,230. Monthly payments are €345. The credit card balnce is from an awesome vacation and is of course paid in full each month, and the vacation budgeted for.

Aiming for 6k in May, because a work bonus is coming.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1277 on: April 27, 2019, 08:36:13 AM »
Going to jump in here, looking to build our EF back up to $10k although I am guessing it'll be slow going.

Feb-15-19: $3216

Mar-01-19: $3803

Mar-16-19: $5603 Not a bad month for spending at all so far, was able to throw quite a bit into the EF.
Mar-27: $5815 despite paying about $400 for some travel. Nice to see this go up and up.

Our garbage disposal needs replacing so that will come out of this as will HVAC service and getting our gutters fixed.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Nice tax return so we're now at 6966 with some bigger bills coming up (tires, registration etc)

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1278 on: April 28, 2019, 11:41:29 AM »

Late Feb:
SEP IRA: $3548
tIRA: $4165
Emergency fund: $1000
Roof loan: -$1267
Car loan: -$2730
Hospital bill: -$1523

Total: $3193

SEP IRA: $3539
tIRA: $4126
Emergency fund: $1000
Roof loan: $0
Car loan: $0
Hospital bill: -$1260

Total: $7405

I stepped away from the forum for a year and it’s interesting to take stock of what’s happened since then. I started a new job, my spouse received a raise and a match on a simple IRA, my children no longer qualify for Medicaid, and we spent money with reckless abandon. Happy to be back here and ready to be more responsible.

Mid-Apr 2019:
tIRA: $6,329
Simple IRA: $4,500
Emergency fund: $1,000
Hospital bill: $0

Total: $11,829

Which means I graduated! See you guys in the next level soon!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1279 on: April 28, 2019, 10:58:45 PM »
I am deferring this weekend's update to 4/30 in order to accommodate month end. More to come.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1280 on: April 29, 2019, 09:24:13 AM »
July 31:                 €2400
August 30:            €2000
September 27:       €1300
October 30:           €1400
November 30:        €1600
December 29:        €1100
February 1:            €1100
February 28:          €1300
March 29:              €1300
April 30:                  €800
May 29:                 €2300
June 28:                €3500
July 31:                 €3250
August 31:             €3700
September 30:       €2550
October 29:            €3500
December 1:          €2900
December 30:        €2600   
January 28:.           €2850
February 26:.          €2500
March 29:.              €3000
April 29:                 €3350

Pre-tax investments:
October 29:               €96.24
December 1:.           €197,68
December 31:          €277.92
January 28:.             €395,50
February 26:.           €516,50
March 29:.               €620,71
April 29:                  €748.59

Post-tax Investments:
July 31:                 €1985.37
August 30:             €2095.00
September 27:       €2253
October 30:           €2461
November 30:        €2622.06
December 29:        €2661.50 (didn't do the monthly transfer yet)
February 1:            €3021,56
February 29:          €3101,58
March 29:              €3160,54
April 30:                €3439.66
May 29:                 €3729.27
June 29:                €3890.53
July 31:                 €4106.20
August 31:             €4278.05
September 29:       €4285.11 (didn't do the monthly transfer yet)
October 29:           €4453.30 (did a double transfer this month, but sadly a lot of my gains have been wiped out)
December 1:.        €4621,02
December 30:       €4371.92
January 28:.          €5039,38
February 26:.        €5387,42
March 29:.             €5612,59
April 29:                €5995.76

July 31:                  €4385.37
August 30:              €4095.00
September 27:        €3553
October 30:             €3861
November 30:          €4222.06
December 29:          €3761,50 (+ 740 unpaid salary = 4501.50 )
February 1:             €4121,60
February 29:           €4401,58
March 29:               €4460,54 
April 30:                 €4239.66
May 29:                  €6029.27
June:                      €7390.53
July 31:                  €7356.20 ( + €70 on my credit card, so really €7426.20)
August 31:              €7978.05
September 29:        €6835.11
October 29:             €8049.54
December 1:           €7718,07 
December 30:         €7249.84
January 28:             €8284,88
February 26:.           €8403,92
March 29:.               €9233,30
April 29:                  €10094.35

New goals for 31 December 2019:

Savings: 5000
Investments: 10000

I made it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Took me almost 2 years. When I started my income was €1200. Nearly two years later I make about €1800 and my savings are about 6x a (much higher) income or 14 months of expenses.

I might be back in a while because we need to do some maintenance to our house, but then again I'm also expecting a few thousand in additional income so I might not be back. :) I will certainly keep following this thread though! I am already noticing how saving is easier the more money you have. The first 5000 were much more difficult than the next 5000. I've increased my income by negotiating harder because I know I don't need this particular job or customer. And the markets are doing well which has definitely helped me.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1281 on: April 29, 2019, 12:36:04 PM »
Yay @Imma!!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!  Well done.  :)


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1282 on: April 30, 2019, 12:44:56 PM »
March emergency fund: $6,410

April emergency fund: $6,547 (+$137)

Going to be a slow couple of months here, but I figure any month I add and not subtract is a win in my book!

wild forest

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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1283 on: May 01, 2019, 09:05:10 AM »
Jan. 30, 2019: $2,973.81

I'll update it monthly and see how it goes.






  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1284 on: May 01, 2019, 02:06:49 PM »
1/1/2018: $(170,956.12)
2/1/2018: $(166,849.63)
3/1/2018: $(161,395.88)
4/1/2018: $(156,590.44)
5/1/2018: $(152,997.61)
6/1/2018: $(149,175.48)
7/1/2018: $(143,748.22)
8/1/2018: $(138,734.38)
9/1/2018: $(135,043.66)
10/1/2018: $(131,441.14)
11/1/2018: $(133,372.50)
12/1/2018: $(128,081.25)
1/1/2019: $(80,750.78)
2/1/2019: $(73,422.02)
3/1/2019: $(60,122.64)
4/1/2019: $(54,342.22)
5/1/2019: $(48,858.05)

Something about getting under (above?) the 50Ks makes a positive net worth feel, for the first time since I started law school, within reach. Hooray!

Congrats @Imma !!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1285 on: May 01, 2019, 03:00:03 PM »
Something about getting under (above?) the 50Ks makes a positive net worth feel, for the first time since I started law school, within reach. Hooray!

Wow @mckaylabaloney you've got some great momentum going!  Way to go!!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1286 on: May 06, 2019, 01:43:37 AM »
Congratulations Imma, I'm really delighted for you!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1287 on: May 06, 2019, 02:13:42 AM »
BoI savings a/c: 150.00
DiBa ETF: 1,203.38
CmzBank savings a/c: 2,100.00
Total:  +3,453.38

BoI savings a/c: 250.00
DiBa ETF: 1,364.90
CmzBank savings a/c: 2,300.00
Total:  +3,914.90

Net: +3,914.90  (and almost 400 built up again in savings for annual expenses and travel, plus a very generous allowance in my current account to cover a week's holiday at the end of the month) - one very big invoice was paid and although things are slow on the side-gig front at the moment, I am kind of happy about that. I need the break more than the money at this stage. Finally also got a date to start my new job on 1 June - it's an internal transfer to a place I think is a much better fit for me. I'm taking another paycut as my new job is one pay grade lower than my current one but I have also now been here for three years, which means that I go up a level (there are about five levels for each grade) - so I'll be making less money than I would be getting if I stayed here (to the tune of about €50 net per month) but more money than I currently earn (€20 more net per month). Really pleased with myself that I remembered I was due to go up a level, as it meant I was able to ask for an extra line to be added to my amended contract confirming that my years of service at the higher grade will be counted at the lower grade, too. We are also due an increase so I'll get that back-dated to January at my old grade and start the new job at the new increased rate (another approx. €50 net per month more).


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1288 on: May 06, 2019, 05:52:58 AM »
Thanks everyone! We need to do some work on the house, so depending on the timing of those invoices and my pay dates I might be back for a little while. I will continue to follow your progress regardless.

Good to hear you're transferring to a much nicer job @Moonwaves and it sounds like the pay cut will be minimal. Having a job you like way more is certainly worth that. And @mckaylabaloney look at you!! You've increased your net worth by a staggering $100.000 over the last year. "Just" $48k to go now. Sounds like you're graduating in 2019, too!

Lincolnshire Girl

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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1289 on: May 07, 2019, 02:02:28 AM »
Congratulations Imma! :)

EF Update:
Apr  £500 (+£200)
May £900 (+£400)


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1290 on: June 03, 2019, 09:43:51 AM »
1/1/2018: $(170,956.12)
2/1/2018: $(166,849.63)
3/1/2018: $(161,395.88)
4/1/2018: $(156,590.44)
5/1/2018: $(152,997.61)
6/1/2018: $(149,175.48)
7/1/2018: $(143,748.22)
8/1/2018: $(138,734.38)
9/1/2018: $(135,043.66)
10/1/2018: $(131,441.14)
11/1/2018: $(133,372.50)
12/1/2018: $(128,081.25)
1/1/2019: $(80,750.78)
2/1/2019: $(73,422.02)
3/1/2019: $(60,122.64)
4/1/2019: $(54,342.22)
5/1/2019: $(48,858.05)
6/1/2019: $(49,269.97)

Haha uhhhh shucks. Well, all my savings this month (and then some) were wiped out by market losses. Oh well! It'll come back.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1291 on: June 03, 2019, 11:11:13 AM »
I was wondering why this thread had gone silent. When the market goes down, it's easier to increase the number of shares you own. That way, when the market rises, you'll be even more buoyant.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1292 on: June 03, 2019, 01:16:37 PM »
April emergency fund: $6,547

May emergency fund: $6,559 (+$12)

Well, I didn't manage to put anything toward ye ol efund in May.  But I earned 12 bucks in interest.  Errrr, that's something!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1293 on: June 03, 2019, 09:23:12 PM »

10/2/18 - $(2742.60)
10/29/18 - $(1899.81)
11/25/18 - $(1660.04)
12/31/18 - $245
3/14/19 - $(5,212)
3/31/19 - $(882.10)
4/25/19 - $(16,545.33)
5/29/19 - $(14,275.68)

Managed to make a dent in things this month, but I still feel like I'm going nowhere. I can't wait until this debt is gone! Even though my net worth is this much, my actual debt almost twice this. So frustrating, but it'll be gone someday soon.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1294 on: June 04, 2019, 10:09:00 AM »

10/2/18 - $(2742.60)
4/25/19 - $(16,545.33)
5/29/19 - $(14,275.68)

Managed to make a dent in things this month, but I still feel like I'm going nowhere. I can't wait until this debt is gone!

 Even though my net worth is this much, my actual debt almost twice this.

So frustrating, but it'll be gone someday soon.

@cazio - looks pretty damn good from where I sit, cazio. Your numbers speak for themselves - you are making more than just a dent:)!
As far as your actual debt being twice that amount - well, think of it this way - as long as you do not add to your debt and you pay off at least the minimum each month - it will eventually be whittled down to zero.

I know what you mean about all of this taking forever, I've been saving up to $50K in the $50K thread since 2017 - I am so over it at times. But you know what? There is a certain satisfaction in seeing that despite all the curveballs life throws at you-you persevered.
There is proof of your financial gain right in front of your eyes - revel in it:).

We got this - your $10K will happen and so will my $50K - all we have to do is keep our eye on the prize and do all the million little things along the way to reduce expenses and never stop optimizing and looking for opportunities.

I do enjoy a challenge, but it helps a great deal to be motivated along the way - not just that - without this forum, I would never even have thought myself capable of saving $50K.  $5K sure, I can do that, but $50K? That actually sounded laughable and impossible to me until one day I believed I could.
True - it is frustrating to have to stop contributing to your savings, because you need your money to go elsewhere that month, but at least we have the money to re-direct and we can dust ourselves off and move on to the next month.

Just like @LittleWanderer pointed out - it is great when we reach the next step and didn't have to dig into the EF, but managed to hold onto the savings - so now we can grin over the fact that, oh yeah - I gained $12 in interest.
The first time my interest went over $50 a month I was so thrilled:).
Somehow moving past a situation where I continually needed to dip into the emergency fund was the hardest part - harder than saving up for $50K.

Hang in there guys, you are doing great - stay focused and you will remain on track, even if the savings train occasionally comes to an unexpected stop. and your carefully orchestrated plans go totally awry.
All you have to do is work on being better prepared next time and keep on truckin'.:)


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1295 on: June 06, 2019, 05:42:55 PM »

May update      Emergency Fund       Car Fund
4/15/19 -           $1,750                       $100.07
5/31/19 -         $1,894                     $150.46

Small increases but I hope to make some bigger contributions once I'm back to work in July


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1296 on: June 17, 2019, 05:43:08 AM »
Congratulations @Imma

Can't believe I've only just seen that you've passed the 10k threshold.  Really impressed with how quickly you've been increasing your NW these past few months. 


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1297 on: June 18, 2019, 09:56:57 AM »
Congratulations @Imma

Can't believe I've only just seen that you've passed the 10k threshold.  Really impressed with how quickly you've been increasing your NW these past few months.

Yes, I still can't believe how easy 2019 has been so far, and I didn't really do anything special. I reached 10k before I even got my annual tax return I think. The market has helped me, I've been making about €200/month through my side hustle, but that's it. I haven't been significantly more frugal than usual.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1298 on: June 27, 2019, 11:51:24 AM »
Greetings fellow savers!

Despite a very bad May, and the volatile stock market, I am now at the halfway point with 5k €.
This is made up like this:

Car: 1,600
Investments, cash, amounts payable: 11,310
Student loans, residual debt: 7,307
CC: 603

I am currently a bit over-invested and keep my fingers crossed for the G20 summit to cash out a bit. Otherwise, I'll use my cash flow for boosting my EF and saving up for car-investing (repairs or a new-to-me-one) until years end.

Keep going!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1299 on: June 28, 2019, 07:05:52 PM »
10/2/18 - $(2742.60)
10/29/18 - $(1899.81)
11/25/18 - $(1660.04)
12/31/18 - $245
3/14/19 - $(5,212)
3/31/19 - $(882.10)
4/25/19 - $(16,545.33)
5/29/19 - $(14,275.68)
6/28/19 - $(13,578)

Feeling good about things. Thanks for the encouragement @Rosy !! Much needed. Slowly but surely I'm on my way. Things are looking up job wise and I think my next gig will pay me significantly more than what I'm currently making, which is awesome! But only time will tell.

It is hard to balance life goal and financial goals. For me they usually align but sometimes they don't and lately I've just kinda been like f*** it, I'm in my 20's. Not over the top, but I don't berate myself like I used to. Finding the balance is the current struggle!
« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 06:03:52 AM by cazio »