10/2/18 - $(2742.60)
4/25/19 - $(16,545.33)
5/29/19 - $(14,275.68)
Managed to make a dent in things this month, but I still feel like I'm going nowhere. I can't wait until this debt is gone!
Even though my net worth is this much, my actual debt almost twice this.
So frustrating, but it'll be gone someday soon.
@cazio - looks pretty damn good from where I sit, cazio. Your numbers speak for themselves - you are making more than just a dent:)!
As far as your actual debt being twice that amount - well, think of it this way - as long as you do not add to your debt
and you pay off at least the minimum each month - it will eventually be whittled down to zero.
I know what you mean about all of this taking forever, I've been saving up to $50K in the $50K thread since 2017 - I am so over it at times. But you know what? There is a certain satisfaction in seeing that despite all the curveballs life throws at you-you persevered.
There is proof of your financial gain right in front of your eyes - revel in it:).
We got this - your $10K will happen and so will my $50K - all we have to do is keep our eye on the prize and do all the million little things along the way to reduce expenses and never stop optimizing and looking for opportunities.
I do enjoy a challenge, but it helps a great deal to be motivated along the way - not just that - without this forum, I would never even have thought myself capable of saving $50K. $5K sure, I can do that, but $50K? That actually sounded laughable and impossible to me until one day I believed I could.
True - it is frustrating to have to stop contributing to your savings, because you need your money to go elsewhere that month, but at least we have the money to re-direct and we can dust ourselves off and move on to the next month.
Just like
@LittleWanderer pointed out - it is great when we reach the next step and didn't have to dig into the EF, but managed to hold onto the savings - so now we can grin over the fact that, oh yeah - I gained $12 in interest.
The first time my interest went over $50 a month I was so thrilled:).
Somehow moving past a situation where I continually needed to dip into the emergency fund was the hardest part - harder than saving up for $50K.
Hang in there guys, you are doing great - stay focused and you will remain on track, even if the savings train occasionally comes to an unexpected stop. and your carefully orchestrated plans go totally awry.
All you have to do is work on being better prepared next time and keep on truckin'.:)